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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-07-10 01:28:14  浏览次数:38
核心提示:  英语对话能使人在短的时间内学会实用的英语口语,在轻松的对话中,即使平常不太有机会接触英语的人,也可一句一句地学习英语。武汉美联英语为大家整理一些有用的英语对话,本篇是:会计面试英语对话。
  英语对话能使人在短的时间内学会实用的英语口语,在轻松的对话中,即使平常不太有机会接触英语的人,也可一句一句地学习英语。武汉美联英语为大家整理一些有用的英语对话,本篇是:会计面试英语对话。   我认为,作为一名会计,首先必须细心。因为会计时常要处理一些关于数据的问题,如果他很粗心或许会造成很大的损失。第二,会计必须有责任心,每天他都会面对很多账目。他必须把握好自己,不能因为一些私心而损害了集体的利益,这一点是非常重要的。   句子是英语对话的基础,武汉美联英语为您整理会计面试英语对话的常用句型,掌握越多的句子,你的英语口语能力就越高。   My major was accounting.我的专业是会计学。   Sure. I took such course as accounting principles,commercial accounting,cost accounting,industrial accounting,electronic data processing accounting,and accounting involved in foreign capital enterprises.   好的。我所修的课程包括会计原理、商业会计学、成本会计学、产业会计学、会计电算化以及与外资公司有关的会计学。   My favorite course was electronic data processing accounting.   我喜欢的课程是会计电算化。   I'm engaged in accounting.我从事会计这一职业。   The creditor's equity is the same as liabilities.   债权人的资产净值就是公司的债务。   掌握了会计面试英语对话的句子,那么久需要赶紧对号入座,感受英语对话的魅力,这样才能加深对这个话题的理解。
  Interviewer : Come in , please.   Applicant : Good afternoon, sir. My name is Wang Ling.   Interviewer: Good afternoon, Miss Wang. According to your application form,you are a university graduate in accounting and already have two years' work experience at a manufacturing company.   Applicant: Well , my former working unit is a medium-sized enterprise. Though I am familiar with computerized accounting systems, I can find no application there. That's the reason why I want to come here to face the new challenge.   Interviewer: OK. Can you tell me something about this balance sheet now?   Applicant:Of course. This balance sheet contains three major sections ,that is, assets, liabilities and owner's equity. So,you see,the total current liabilities of your company are $2, , and owner's equity is $ 5 ,400 ,000. That means that the total assets, which is equal to the sum of the creditor's and owner's equities, are $7,772,000.   Interviewer: Just a moment. What is the creditor's equity?   Applicant:The creditor's equity is the same as liabilities.   Interviewer: How much are accrued salaries payable?   Applicant ;They are $ 15,000.   Interviewer: Could you tell me something about cash control?   Applicant: Yes, of course. In accounting, cash means all items that are acceptable for deposit in a bank.   Interviewer: What are they?   Applicant : Such as paper money, coins , checks, money orders, bank deposits and so on.   Interviewer: What should we do when dealing with cash?   Applicant:As a rule,we should control the handling and recording of cash. Cash should be handled separately from the recording of cash transactions so that errors can be readily disclosed and the possibility of irregularities is reduced.   Interviewer : How does it work,then?   Applicant:That means all cash receipts are deposited intact in the bank,and all major payments are made by check and an imprest fund is used for petty cash disbursements.   Interviewer : So you mean that we can have a double record for cash transactions?   Applicant : Yes. One record is made by the company's recordkeeping procedures, and the other is furnished by the bank.   Interviewer: Now please leave your resume and other credentials there. We'll notify you of our decision within a week.   Thank you for your interest in our firm,Miss Wang.   Applicant: I'll wait your notification. Thank you for your interview with me, sir.   武汉美联英语小编知道,有些同学对英语不是很明白,迟迟没有进入状态,小编在此为大家翻译会计面试英语对话,帮助大家加深了解。
  主试人:请进。   应试人:下午好,先生。我叫王玲。   主试人:下午好,王小姐。从申请表上看来,你是会计专业的毕业生,已经有在一家制造厂工作两年的经验。   应试人:我从前的工作单位是一家中型企业。虽然我熟悉会计电算化,但在那里学非所用,所以我愿来此接受新的挑战。   主试人:很好。你可以和我详细谈一谈这份资产负债表吗?   应试人:当然可以。这张资产负债表有三大部分,即资产、负债和所有者权益。因此你看,贵公司的流动负债总额为美元,所有者权益为美元。资产总额等于债权人权益和所有权益的总和。这就是说,资产总额是美元。   主试人:请等一下。什么是债权人权益?   应试人:债权人权益就是负债。   主试人:应付而未付工资是多少?   应试人:有15000美元。   主试人:你能不能告诉我一些现金控制的事?   应试人:当然可以。在会计上,现金反映的是存款可被银行所接受的所有项目。   主试人:它们是什么?   应试人:比如纸币、硬币、支票、汇票和银行存款等。   主试人:我们在处理现金时应当怎么做?   应试人:按照常规,我们应当控制现金的处理和记录,现金管理应与现金业务的记录分开,这样差错就能马上查出来,也就减少了不法行为的可能性。   主试人:那是怎样做的?   应试人:那就是说,所有的现金收入要如数存入银行,一切的主要支出都使用支票,并设立预付资金用于零星的现金支付。   主试人:您是说这样一来我们就可以对现金业务有双重记录了应试人:是的。一份是由公司的簿记程序产生,另一份记录由银行提供。   主试人:现在请您把个人简历和其他证书留在这里。我们将在一周之内把结果通知您。谢谢您对本办事处的关注,王小姐。   应试人:我将等候您的通知。谢谢你对我的面试,先生。   以上就是武汉美联英语小编为您整理的会计面试英语对话,武汉美联英语常年开设商务英语,成人英语,英语口语等课程,欢迎大家进入武汉美联英语首页进行详细了解与咨询。
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