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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-07-08 19:56:48  浏览次数:16

  我刚刚看到广告,上面说您有一套公寓要出租,我能看一下吗?   I've seen your advertisement and it says that you'v


  我刚刚看到广告,上面说您有一套公寓要出租,我能看一下吗?   I've seen your advertisement and it says that you've got an apartment to rent .May I look at it ,please?
  您可以看一看房屋租凭网站。   You can try some housing site online.
  有没有看报纸上的房屋信息广告?   Have you seen the classified ads for housing in the newspaer?
  公寓里包含家具。   The apartment has furniture in it .
  租金是多少?/ 房租多少钱?   How much is the rent?
  卧室比较大而且阳光比较充足。   The bedroom is larger and full or sunshine.
  这个公寓东南朝向,可以看见大海。   The department faces southeast and has a nice view of sea .
  我喜欢厨房,设备都很齐全。   I like the kitchen ,because it's all equipped.
  水,电,煤气,暖气等费用都包括在内吗?   All utilities included?
  公寓有保安吗?   Does the department have security?
  你是房东吗?   Are you the landlord?
  我可以看看这间公寓吗?   May I take a look around this apartment?
  这里一共几间房间?   How many rooms are there in the apartment?

  这有家具吗?   Is it furnished?
  押金多少钱?   How much is the deposit?
  什么时候可以搬进来住?   When can I move here?
  如果可能的话,我想找一间向太阳 而且比较安静的房间。   I'd like a rather quiet room on the sunny side,if possible.
  房间的照明如何?   Is the property well lighted?
  请问这里有公寓要出租吗?   Are there any apartment to let?
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