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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-07-08 10:51:49  浏览次数:22
核心提示:  SAT作文开头怎么写?SAT作文开头部分是吸引考官的重点,所以深圳环球雅思小编建议大家在备考的时候一定要重视开头的写作。下面小编就为大家推荐了SAT作文开头的写作模板,一共四个,一个比一个复杂,大家可以根据自己的实际写作需要进行练习和模

  凤头:短小精悍,能够吸引读者的注意力 15%   猪肚:内容充实,条理分明 70%   豹尾:短促有力,耐人回味 15%
  事件:issue, problem, question   热门,棘手:hot, heated, urgent, burning, pressing, pervasive, rampant   争论:debate, controversy, argument, dispute
  一致,同意:consensus   引起注意:in the limelight, brought into attention, focus, concern   带来问题: impose, cause
  出现问题: loom up, crop us   面临问题: confront, encounter, face question   紧急的:acute
  困扰:be plagued, embarrassed, upset by   见证:witness, see   惊人的:alarming, startling, surprising
  使恶化:worsen, deteriorate   讨厌的:undesirable   广泛的:pervasive, rampant, prevalent   存在:under way
  With the rapid/amazing development of…   According to recent survey/poll/study, there have occurred…   There is a heated/focused debate at present about the issue of…   All reliable evidence justifies the fact/view that… is a rampant issue in today's society.   Recently/nowadays/at present, the phenomenon of…has loomed up wide public concern.   The alarm about the issue of…has caused considerable/general attention.   The question of…has been in the limelight/brought into focus.   Nowadays, our society is witnessing more and more…   关于人们越来越趋向于传统价值取向现象的文章开头
  According to recent survey, more and more young people are declaring their allegiance to traditional values. Traditional weddings seem to be making a comeback, for example. But this is only a partial, not a complete reversal.
  Recent days, there is an increasing number of people, especially the young, who display little interest in correcting social inequalities and injustices. According to national poll conducted, most people think youngsters are becoming more selfish and less warm-hearted and their concern is connected more with their personal happiness over that of the society.
  prompt 16
  Advertising is everywhere: the average American consumer sees more than 3,000 commercial messages each day. The world behind this $125 billion-a-year-effort, however has been almost invisible—until now. From inside Chiat/Day, the ad industry's reigning creative “hot spot,” this book reveals the big business of advertising, its people, its culture, and the high-stakes process of Inventing Desire.
  Karen Stabiner, adapted from Inventing Desire
  Assignment: Do you believe it is possible for advertising (magazine ads, radio spots, TV commercials) to “invent desire,” that is, to create in people a need to have something they otherwise would not have wanted? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.
  prompt 2
  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.   We value uniqueness and originality, but it seems that everywhere we turn, we are surrounded by ideas and things that are copies or even copies of copies. Writers, artists, and musicians seek new ideas for paintings, books, songs, and movies, but many sadly realize, “It's been done.” The same is true for scientists, scholars, and businesspeople. Everyone wants to create something new, but at best we can hope only to repeat or imitate what has already been done.   Assignment: Can people ever be truly original?
  常用词汇   反对:object, challenge   认为:acknowledge, accept, maintain, hold, conceive   争议:controversy
  辩论:contend   容忍,让步:concede   主张:set forth, advocate, endorse
  同意:consent   招致反对:provoke criticism   不可避免的:inevitable
  可行性:feasibility   歪曲事实:slant, distort   退一步说:conceding
  假想:assumption   适度的,适量的:moderate   怀疑的:skeptic
  There is much discussion as to the problem of… Those who object to… argue that… But those who advocate …on the other hand, argue that…   There is no agreement among people as to the issue of… Some people say that…Others say that… As to me, I am on the first side of the argument. The following examples can prove my standpoint.
  There is a public debate as to the issue of…   Nowadays, it is commonly believed/widely held that…, but I doubt whether   Nowadays, it is generally acknowledged that… but I doubt whether…   When asked about…, the vast majority of people say that… But other people regard…as…
  When faced with…quite a few people claim that… But other people think…   When it comes to…, most people believe that… but other people view it as…   There is a public controversy nowadays over the issue of… Those who object to the idea argue that…But people who favor…argue that…   There is a heated debate today about the problem of…
  In the face of… some people take the position that…, to which I can't attach my consent.   Although people arrive at he common understanding of…, their views are at opposite poles when talk about the issue of…   …seems to provoke wide criticism in today's society.   The value of this form of… is now being questioned by…   There is a growing skepticism toward…   关于经济应该缓慢发展还是迅速发展的文章开头
  Nowadays, there is much discussion about whether fast economic growth is desirable. Those who criticize economic growth argue that we must slow down. They believe that society is approaching certain limits on growth. These include the fixed supply of natural resources, and the possible negative effects of industry on the natural environment. People who want more economic growth, on the other hand, argue that even at the present growth rate there are still many poor people. Personally, I think the second idea will hold water.
  There is no agreement among people as to the best measure of a country's success. Some people focus on rich economy while others may think it is the quality of life that has nothing to do with money. From my point of view, both views go to extremes and we need a further analysis on their views.
  By lunch period, Megan, a senior at Brookdale High School, has already traded e-mail messages with her brother in college, with her dad at work, and with a friend who was absent from school that day. Although every form of communication has drawbacks, email, like nothing since the invention of the telephone, has opened up the world to teenagers.
  作用:1.吸引读者;2引出故事的主题   注意事项:1.故事要短小精炼;2.与主题密切相关
  Last week, a classmate of mine…The story is not rare. It has now drawn public attention to the problem of…   A few days ago, I met with… The incident is not isolated. It has aroused wide concern in the society.   The story/case/incident is not rare/unique/unusual in our life.   关于年轻人为什么选择继续读书的文章的开头
  Gordon, a young manager with a demanding and highly paid position in the trade company, has decided to quit his job because he wans to refuel himself and seek further study in university. His case is not rare in the life around us. In the past decade, quite a number of young employees have chose to drop out work to resume study and therefore perfect his academic command in some field.
  “I can't stand the pressure and competiton,” grumbled one friend of mine when asked why he decided to quit his highly-salary but competitive position in his company recently. My friend may have his own reasons, but I don't think his decision is wise in reality. It's true that my friend's case is not unique. And in the last few years quite a number of people chose to do something less competitive at the cost of comfortable, easy life which can be bestowed by a higly-paid job.
  prompt 16
  Last evening, I got trapped in a shop and saw a little boy standing in front of a toy car and asking his mother to buy it. Although his mother told him that he had got so many at home, the little boy insisted on his request, saying this one was the latest model in TV commercials. At last, his mother gived up. The boy is not the rare case who is successfully influenced by advertising.
  四、问题法   注意事项:问题不能太傻,也不能太多,不能超过3个
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