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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-07-07 23:44:11  浏览次数:32
核心提示:  雅思写作主要考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构构架能力,一篇好的雅思写作范文能够帮助同学们抓住雅思写作的得分点,并能给大家提供提供高分词汇和句式,广州环球雅思小编为您提供雅思作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于控制犯罪的雅思作文范文。<
  Accompanying dramatic progress in living standards in the metropolis, ironically, the high rate of crimes frightens city dwellers so much that they are afraid of taking part in everyday activity, and even leaving home is horrible sometimes. As for this phenomenon,some sociologists are deeply pessimistic about the possibility that truly efficient measures can be sought out to abolish this modern scourge. As for me, however, by stricter punishment and more suitable policy, we can address this social problem.   Apparently, the intense competition from both career and life exerts unbearable pressures on modern people, which is always a catalyst for crimes. Due to the global financial crisis, in order to reduce the cost, the majority of companies tend to cut employees so people are more worried about career security than ever before. which serves as the root reason to crimes once people lose the channels of income. In fact, taking into account these factors, we can resort to the following methods to bring back social stability and people's assurance.   Initially, government and other functional organizations should pursue more favorable policies to alleviate people's anxiety. Since great stress contributes to more offenses in society. more citizen-friendly policies concerning people's daily life, such as education, and housing should be at the top of government's agenda. In other words, education fees and housing price should he lowered substantially so as to encourage people to relax if . without exterior troubles. people are capable of problem-solving in a more peaceful way.   Moreover, the effective deterrent is strongly recommended to discourage would-be criminals. We have to admit the fact that less severe punishments for offenders fail to fight crimes. so they commit crimes repeatedly, which is really a common practice for somehabitual criminals. If we lengthen the term of prison sentence. or increase the fines, then people have to think over the consequence of what they are going to engage in.   Indeed. social crimes can never come to the end only with some administrative measures, and therefore a systematic way is essential to handling this social both efforts from government and individuals. Nevertheless, the point is clear that we can better society and create a more secure life.

  伴随着都市生活水平的迅猛提高,具有讽刺意味的是居高不下的犯罪率使居民胆战心惊。他们不敢参加日常活动.甚至有时走出家门都是件恐饰的事情。对于这个现象.是否可以找到有效的方法消除该现代社会顽疾,一些杜会学家非常悲观。然而.我认为更严厉的处罚以及更合适的政策,都可以解决这个社会问题。   很明显,来白职业和生活的日益激烈的竞争使都市人疲于奔命。这是诱发犯罪的催化剂。由于全球金融危机.为了降低费用,大部分公司都选择裁员.因此人们对于职业稳定性更加担心。失去经济来源极易导致犯罪。考虑到这些因素.我们可以借助一些方法恢复社会稳定以及使人们安心。   首先.政府以及其他职能部门应该制定更加有利的政策来减轻人们的焦虑。由于巨大的压力导致社会犯罪率增加,更多优惠人们日常生活的政策.例如教育、住房应该是政府的首要议程.换句话说,学费、住房价格应大幅度降低.使人们可以适当休息、放松.渐渐地,没有了外部的压力,人们就能以更加平和的方式解决问题.   此外,需要有效的震摄打击潜在的罪犯.我们必须要承认过轻的处罚无法制止犯罪.导致一些惯犯频繁犯罪。如果我们延长监狱处罚的期限,或加大罚款的力度.人们就不得不三思其行为的后果了。   确实.仅凭一些行政手段很难完全制止社会犯罪.一些系统的方法才是解决此社会问题的关键.包括来自政府与个人的共同努力。无论如何.我们相信一个美好、安全的生活是可以实现的。
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