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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-07-07 23:18:19  浏览次数:42
核心提示:  雅思写作主要考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构构架能力,一篇好的雅思写作范文能够帮助同学们抓住雅思写作的得分点,并能给大家提供提供高分词汇和句式,珠海雅思托福培训学校小编为您提供雅思作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于监狱惩罚犯罪的雅思

  It is clear that prison punishment has been serving as an efficient way to deter social crimes, for would-be criminals are frightened of being deprived of valuable freedom. And the longer time of prison penalty, according to some people, is the best way to address social crimes. As for me. I really doubt the validity of the inference.   Granted, prison, as a deterrent to crimes, can punish those offenders who infringe on others' benefits, and accordingly, social stability can be guaranteed. Furthermore. in a prison. professional policemen can educate those lawbreakers and help them to turn’new life in the future. Longer time of prison punishment, however, exerts a more negative effect on criminals and the society as a whole.   If criminals are sentenced in a prison much longer than before, it is highly probable that they will develop inferiority complex, which is a great hazard to their reformation.   Due to depressing circumstances of prison, it is really hard for criminals to regain confidence and they even look down upon themselves. If they always regard themselves” inferior to other people in society, how can they land an ideal job and contribute to society even after being released? Worse,the failure to be integrated into normal life will exacerbate inferiority mentality, so they will feel hatred towards the whole society,resorting to committing crimes again as revenge.   The optimum solution to crimes calls for a systematic prison,education and community work. The longer time of prison penalty can only solve part of the proplem ,far from the heat method.

  由于潜在的罪犯害怕失去宝贵的自由.很明显监狱处罚一直是一种有效遏制社会犯罪的方式。而且一些人认为延长处罚的时间是解决犯罪的方法。对我来说.这种推断的正确性值得怀疑。   不可否认,作为震摄犯罪的有效手段.监狱可以有效地打击那些侵犯别人利益的犯人.进而保障社会稳定性。更进一步说,监狱中专业的警察可以教育犯人,帮助他们展开未来新的人生。然而.长时间的监狱处罚对于犯人和社会总体而言,负面形响更加突出。   如果犯人入狱时间过长.很有可能导致自卑情结.这种情绪对于改造极为不利。由于监狱压抑的气氛,犯人很难重拾信心,共至自己都瞧不起自己。如果他们总是认为自己低人一等,即使出狱之后。他们也很难找到理想的工作.为杜会作出贡献。更为严重的是,无法融人正常的生活加剧了他们的自卑心理。犯人对社会就会产生憎恨.重新犯罪以报复社会。   解决犯罪的问题需要系统的方法,包括监狱、教育以及社区工作。延长监狱处罚时间只能部分解决问题,因此不是比较好的方法。

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