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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-07-07 23:06:02  浏览次数:60
核心提示:  雅思写作主要考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构构架能力,一篇好的雅思写作范文能够帮助同学们抓住雅思写作的得分点,并能给大家提供提供高分词汇和句式,武汉易藤教育小编为您提供雅思作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于青少年犯罪原因的雅思作文范

  Alarmingly. the younger generation is increasingly involved in social crimes. and people can frequently read such reports in newspapers. What are the main culprits. which are crucial to address the youth crimes? As for me, parents and schools are more to blame.   As the so-called trend of modern society. divorce rate has rocketed. which exerts a destructive effect on children. Children, vulnerable to evil temptations. are in desperate need of love and guidance from parents, so if parents are blind to children's growth. then nobody will care for children, who are sorely tempted by social evils, such”violence and smut. Numerous reports reveal that kids from single parent families constitute the majority of criminal activities. for instance theft, rape and murder.   Worse, children are overburdened with overwhelming assignments at school, which deprive them of sufficient time to relax. In order to ensure a better performance in academic study. nearly all schools set up overstressing compulsory courses for students to attend, and they have been under tremendous pressure only for the purpose of finishinghomework. Even if they devote all the time to assignments. they can never hand in work on time, not to mention time to take part in relaxing sports activities. No wonder constant pressure leads to abnormal development in psychology, which is the direct reason of crime when they are confronted with life frustrations.   Aware of the not reasons of juvenile delinquency.,can pinpoint the following methods to address this social Scourge. Initially, parents should be thoroughly informed of the detrimentsbefore they divorce For the sake of their children. they have to think twice. Secondly, to lessen unbearable burden二children. and if students can not be provided enough relaxation time. relevant schools will be severely punishedFortunately. all the society has coordinated to solve the youth crimes. so we have good reasons to believe that fewer youngsters will ever go astray. After all, healthy kids are the future of every country.

  越来越多的年轻人卷人犯罪中,人们经常可以读到报刊相关报道.这令人极度不安.那么这个问题的主要原因是什么呢?要解决这个问题,重要的是什么呢?我认为.父母和学校难逃其责。   作为现代社会所谓的时尚,离婚率迅猛增加。这对孩子无疑是破坏性的打击。由于孩子抵御邪恶诱惑能力有限,他们急需来自父母的关心与爱护。如果孩子的成长被父母忽视,那么他们就无人照顾,很容易被暴力、色情等引诱。大的报道都表明单亲家庭的孩子构成了盗窃、强奸、凶杀等犯罪的主力军。   更为严重的是.在校学生学业负担过于沉重,这儿乎使他们没有闲暇时间娱乐。为了确保有更好的成绩,大部分学校都开设繁重的必修课程.仅仅完成作业都己使他们不堪重负。况且即使所有的时间都用在完成作业上.他们也无法及时交上.更不用说有时间参加放松身心的体育活动了。毫无疑问,持续的压力会导致心理的不健康发展.当他们遇到生活挫折时.这是导致他们犯罪的直接原因。   考虑到青少年犯罪的根本原因.我们可以找到以下的解决办法。首先,父毋应该充分考虑到离婚带来的严重后果。为了孩子.还是应该三思而后行。其次.学校应该对孩子减压.如果孩子负担过重.相关的学校要受到严厉的处罚。   幸运的是,社会开始统一协调解决青少年犯乖的问题。我们坚信误人歧途的孩子会越来越少。毕竞,健康的孩子才是国家的未来。

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