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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-07-07 22:37:33  浏览次数:30
核心提示:  雅思写作主要考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构构架能力,一篇好的雅思写作范文能够帮助同学们抓住雅思写作的得分点,并能给大家提供提供高分词汇和句式,广州易藤教育小编为您提供雅思作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于语言文明消失的雅思作文范文

  Language extinction in some underdeveloped regions is so sensitive that it has inevitably elicited a heated discussion among people. Some people assert that if there are fewer languages in the world, life can be greatly facilitated. As for me, I doubt that our life will be simplified and beautified as~。languages lose popularity in the world arena.   Admittedly. if people failing to master several languages travel to a strange an efficient communication with locals will be out of the question. It is clear that misunderstanding or even conflict will ensue due to lack of a thorough understanding among people without similar linguistic or cultural backgrounds. Sacrificing communication tools for an effortless exchange, however, is far from a perfect method.   Initially, language is the carrier of one nation's valuable culture. There is no denying that we can have access to native cultures from studyng the characteristic native employed by local people. so the disappearance of language will result in culture vanishing languages . Therefore. for the sake of culture, we have to protect precious languages from dying out in the world.   Furthermore. if there are few languages in the world. the world is rather monotonous. As we know, language diversity, like a wonderful symphony, spices up our world, and each country is an indispensable music tone. Accordingly. it is dreadful for us to imagine that only one wretched language can be heard in every corner of the world.   From the above-mentioned discussion, it is conceded that language dying out is beneficial to our life to some extent. yet I am more convinced that the drawbacks of the phenomenon have overshadowed the advantages offered. Undoubtedly, it is not, or will not be reasonable to abolish several languages to attain a smooth communication.

  一些不发达地区的语育正在消失。这个敏感的问题引起了人们很大的争议。一些人认为世界上语言越少,生活会越简单。对我而言,我不认为世界舞台上某些语言的消失会换来更加简单、美好的生活.   不可否认.对于那些不会某些语言的游客来说,有效与当地人沟通就不太现实了。人们之间若没有相似的语言及文化的背景.误解甚至冲突都会随之而来。然而,牺牲沟通的工具换来轻松的交流远远不是的方案。   首先,语言是网家宝贵文化的载休.毫无疑问,通过研究当地人使用的极具个性的语言,我们便可了解到当地的文化。那么语言的消失必然导致文化的消亡。因此.为了文化,我们需要确保语言不要灭亡。   更进一步说.如果世界只有少数几种语言.生活将会极其单调.语言多样性就像一首美妙的交响乐.调剂着整个世界。每一个国家都是不可或缺的音符。无论在哪里,如果只能听到一种可怜的语言,那是多么可怕.   综上所述.确实一定程度上语言消失对我们的生活有一定的好处,然而.我确信其缺点远大于优点。毫尤疑问,依靠废除一些语言来获得流畅的沟通现在不是,未来也不会是合理的方法。

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