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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-07-07 22:30:52  浏览次数:41
核心提示:  关于世界文化同化的雅思文范文,不同文化背里的人们有很多相似之处,我们会更加了解彼此.因而会更加的宽容。以下就是北外雅思小编为您整理的关于世界文化同化的雅思文范文。

  The word "similarity" is not strange to us, especially in a modern city, for we can enjoy the same cuisine, the same music and all the same other things just as people in other parts of the world. With the advancement of traffic and technology. this trend will undoubtedly gain an increasing popularity. As for me. there is no need to be worried about this phenomenon.   If we, with other people in different cultural backgrounds. can have more in common,it is sure that we can be acquainted with each other better, thereby showing more tolerance. For example. the same Chinese food provides us with similar enjoyment and the same-brand clothes of Adidas draw us nearer like best valuablesimilarity abolishes completely misunderstandings, which mainly derive from too many differences in our lifestyle, and moreover facilitates mutual love and understanding.   The same taste can also boost economic development. The market of only one particular country is limited, but the similarity among the majority of countries can present an enlarged demand for commodities. If products can find alternative outlets for sale. then national revenue will surely he multiplied than ever before.   On the other hand. maybe there exists a danger that some manufacturers of one country will lack enough resistance against the aggression from outside and go the fierce market competition, people tend to prefer those high-quality goods, such astasty food. classical music. and charming clothes. to out-of-date ones. so gradually it is really a pity that some national industries will submit to the strong power of , however, I believe that if those who disappear from the market are lacking inthe competitive power and sufficient attraction to consumers, then it is justifiable for extinction.   Overall, world similarity is highly beneficial to our life. Predictably, in the future,more same commodities will fill various aspects of the world arena.

  “相似”这个词汇想必对于我们并不陌生.尤其住在现代都市中.因为我们可以和世界其他地方的人们品尝同样的美食,倾听同样的音乐,以及其他同样的事物。毫无疑问.随着交通与科技的进步,这种趋势会变得日益流行。对我来说.没有必要担心这种现象.   如果我们与不同文化背里的人们有很多相似之处,我们会更加了解彼此.因而会更加的宽容.例如,同样的中餐提供相似的享受.同样的阿迪达斯品牌使我们像好朋友般更加接近。这种宝贵的相似性极大地消除了由于生活方式差异而导致的相互误解,进而促进了相互的关心与爱护。   相同的品味也可以加速经济的发展。一个国家的市场是有限的.但是大多数国家的相似性可以扩大对商品的需求。如果产品可以找到其他的销路,那么国家的收人一定会极大增加。   另一方面.这种现象或许存在一种危险.由于缺乏足够的抵御外界人侵的能力.一些国家的生产商会破产。由于市场竞争激烈.人们更倾向子买一些质量高的产品.例如美味的食品、经典的音乐和迷人的服饰.而不是那些过气的商品.这样的话.渐渐地一些民族产业就将会成为外来势力的手下败将。然而.对我而育,如果那些消失的厂家的确缺乏竞争力和对消费者的足够吸引力.那么这种消失也是合情合理的。   总之,世界的相似性对我们的社会大有裨益。可以预见.将来会有更多相同的产品占领世界舞台的各个角落。

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