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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-07-07 00:28:53  浏览次数:47
核心提示:  托福写作主要考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构构架能力,一篇好的托福写作范文能够帮助同学们抓住托福写作的得分点,并能给大家提供提供高分词汇和句式,北外托福小编为您提供托福作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于游历的托福作文范文。

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? What real life is about is not in books but in experience.   During my recent tour to Beijing, I encountered a young Australian at Shanghai Railway Station. I helped him get on board the train with his luggage and we got to chatting in English. I learned that he was 21 years old, studying Asian literature and history at Sydney University.   What surprised me was that, young as he was, he had travelled a lot, not only in China but also in many other parts of Asia and he seemed to know so much about the Asian culture and history, and was even familiar with ancient and modern Chinese literature and philosophy masters such as Confucius, Lu Xun, Mao Dun and Guo Moruo. He could speak four languages.   He is a college student, but he did not confine himself to classroom reading only. He said if one really wants to know society and the world, he or she should go to the grassroots to see, hear and find out about real life. Besides, many students like him in Australia work on part-time jobs after class so as to earn a living and save enough for traveling.
  I am a bit older than he is, yet I found myself less knowledgeable than he is about many things in the world .Like some of my classmates at college, I spend most of my time on my study, attending lectures, reading in the library, finishing assignments,and chatting with friends in the dorm. We don't have to work to earn a living, for our families are always there to provide everything we need. And when vacation comes, our parents expect us to go back home and just be a good child without having to do anything. This might be the reason that much too often we take many things for granted.   From this personal experience with that Australian student, I have come to know that being a good college student does not imply that I have to confine my life merely on campus life. Just like what a song from The Lion King goes: there's more to see than can ever be seen, there's more to find than can ever be found and there's more to do than can ever be done. What real life is all about is not in books but in experience, though reading books is not the least less important.
  在近到北京的一次旅行中,我在上海火车站遇到了一位澳大利亚青年。我帮他拎行李上车,然后我们开始用英语交谈,我了解到他21岁,在悉尼大学学习亚洲文学和历史。   让我感到吃惊的是,他虽然年轻,却已经游历了很多地方了,不仅中国,还有亚洲的大部分地区,他对于亚洲文化和历史好像知道的那么多,甚至熟悉很多中国古现代文学和哲学大师,如孔子、鲁迅、矛盾和郭沫若,他会说四门语言。   他是一名大学学生,但他并没有仅仅局限于在教室里学习。他说如果真的想要了解社会乃至世界,就应该到基层去看、去听、去发现真正的生活。另外,许多和他一样的澳大利亚学生课后做兼职工作,目的就是挣钱谋生,并攒足钱去游历。   我比他年长一些,但我发现自己对于世界上的很多事情可不像他那样有学问。与我大学里大多数的同班同学一样,我大部分时间都花在学习上:听课、在图书馆读书、完成作业、与朋友在宿舍里聊天。我们不必为谋生而去工作,因为我们的家人总是在那里给我们提供我们需要的一切。当假期来临的时候,我们的父母希望我们回家,不用做什么事情,只要做个乖孩子就行了。这也许就是我们常常将很多事情认为是理所当然的原因吧。   从与这位澳大利亚学生接触的经历中,我逐渐意识到:做一名出色的大学生并不意味着我必须要将生活局限在校园里。就像《狮子王》里的一首歌唱的那样:比起我们已经看到的还有更多要看的,比起我们已经发现的还有更多要去发现的,比起我们已经做了的还有更多要去做的。尽管读书极为重要,但真正的生活不是在书籍里,而是在经历中。
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