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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-07-06 23:30:57  浏览次数:39
核心提示:  雅思写作主要考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构构架能力,一篇好的雅思写作范文能够帮助同学们抓住雅思写作的得分点,并能给大家提供提供高分词汇和句式,北京朗阁雅思小编为您提供雅思作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于引擎式飞机的雅思作文范文。

  Due to the incredible invention of motorized flight, the world has been transformed into a global village and many impossibilities, such as an efficient long-distance travel unimagined in the past, have been realized definitely. As a people eulogize it as the most important ever in human history. and I. however, doubt the validity of theassertion.   Indeed,there is no denying that people enjoy higher mobility spurred by cross-national flights. In the was unlikely that people could work in one country, and live in another country. but at present. it is the fact for many employees in a multi-nationalcompany. Even if what has been mentioned is true, it does not necessarily mean that motorized flight is more influential than others.   Computer alters the way people work. With the help of the Internet, people can access information more efficiently. can download what they need more punctually, and can e-mail their friends more economically. If computer had not entered people's lives, we would have continued to copy an unbearable number of books by hand and wrote numerous letters in paper, which forecasts more rainforest destruction. The invention of the mobilephone is another case in point to testify that it is not convincing that motorized flight is the most influential. Pressing buttons, we can have an immediate contact with our friends no matter how far they are. Thus we feel more secure, for cell phones can always keep us integrated to a social web. By days without mobile phones seem totallyunimaginable, especially when we are eager to inform others of urgent matters. and unfortunately, they arc not around.   Motorized flight is the summit of human wisdom, but we can never go too far in maintaining motorized flight is the most significant. It is hoped that more inspirational inventions can benefit human life.

  引擎飞行缩短了距离,使整个世界成为地球村。很多过去看似无法完成的任务,例如有效的长途旅行,都已实现。因此,很多人认为飞机的发明是人类历史上迄今重要的发明.对此,我并不认同。   确实,国际航班大大提升了人们之间的流动性。过去人们工作地和居住地位于不同的国家是完全不可想象的,而如今国际大公司员工很多如此。可是这也不意味着飞机就一定是有影响力的发明。   计算机改变了人们的工作方式。有了互联网,人们可以更有效率地获取资料,更及时地下载所需要的,通过电子邮件更经济地联系朋友。如果生活中没有计算机,我们不得不手抄大量书籍,手写大量纸质信件。这意味着砍伐更多的雨林。手机则是另一个例子,证明飞机并不是有影响力的发明.无论相距多远.一按按钮.我们就可联系朋友.这样我们感觉更安全,因为手机时刻让我们与社会保持联系。相反,没有手机的日子完全不可想象,尤其在急需通知他人而对方不在身旁时。   引擎式飞机是人类智慧的巅峰,但我们决不能认为它就是有影响力的发明。希望未来有更多发明造福人类。

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