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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-07-06 01:11:21  浏览次数:36
核心提示:  口语测试是雅思考试中的一大重要部分。为了方便同学们的复习,北外雅思小编为大家准备了有关雅思口语的出色模板,希望为大家的雅思复习提供帮助,本篇是关于天气的雅思口语模板。

  What's the weather (usually) like in your hometown?
  Answer   Because my hometown is far from the sea, in general it is pretty dry. Winter is a bit cold, dry and windy, with a bit of snow. Spring is short and windy. Summer is hot and slightly humid, and the temperature can go as high as 38℃。 So it can be kind of uncomfortable in the summer unless you have air conditioning. Finally fall is probably the best season-it's verycomfortable-not windy, and not too cold nor too hot like the other seasons.
  加分提示   直截了当的回答加上简单的原因描述是大多数考官喜欢听到的内容。以下是描述天气和季节时常用到的基本词汇:   spring: warm, windy, dusty, sand storm, flowers blossoming   summer: hot, rainy, wet (lots of rain), stormy, humid, sunny, stuffy, sweltering   fall/autumn: cool, crisp, mild, cozy, clear/azure sky, golden season   winter: cold, freezing, snowy, icy, short days, long nights
  Have there been any changes in the weather over the past few years?
  Answer   Being influenced by the trend of global warming, spring and autumn are getting shorter and summer is getting much longer than before. Not only that, the highest temperature in summer refreshes records in history constantly.
  加分提示   ★the trend of global warming   全球变暖的趋势   ★not only that   另外,除此以外   ★refresh records in history constantly   不断地刷新历史纪录
  What's your favourite season? (Why?)
  Answer   Of the four seasons in a year, I love autumn best. It is crisp and mild. The sky is always clear and high and the air is cool and refreshing. In addition, autumn is a golden season, a season of harvest.
  加分提示   ★crisp and mild清新、温和   ★The sky is clear and high.天高云淡。   ★The air is cool and refreshing.空气凉爽。   ★golden season金色的季节   ★a season of harvest收获的季节
  What's your favourite weather? What type of weather do you like?
  Answer   I love sunny days with azure skies. So I can do a lot of outdoor activities.   I love cold weather and particularly enjoy it when it snows.   I love rainy days, because I love the feeling of walking in the rain.   I am fond of the mild weather, which is neither too cold nor too hot. In such weather,   I'd like to go outside to do all kinds of outdoor activities.
  加分提示   ★sunny days晴天   ★azure skies蔚蓝的天空   ★neither too cold nor too hot既不太热也不太冷   ★outdoor activities户外活动
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