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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-07-05 00:21:39  浏览次数:24

  1. Four seasons are clearly distinct.   四季分明。
  2. It is easy to get sunburned in hot we

  1. Four seasons are clearly distinct.   四季分明。
  2. It is easy to get sunburned in hot weathe.   在炎热的天气很容易A伤。
  3. How is the weather tomorrow? / What is the weather like tomorrow?   明天的天气怎么样呢?
  4. What does the weather report say? / What is the weather report for tomorrow?
  5. What is the wind speed today?   今天的风速怎么样呢?
  6. It's fine today. / It's a lovely day.   今天是个好天气。
  7. It's sunny but quite cold.   天气晴朗,但感觉气温比较低,很冷。
  8. It's doesn't look too promising.   看起来天气不会好转了。
  9. It has been raining all (the) week in Shanghai.   上海整个星期都在下雨。
  10. It's drizzling.   一直在下毛毛细雨。
  11. It's raining cats and dogs.   下起了瓢波大雨。
  12. It is beginning to spot.   浙浙沥沥地下起雨来。
  13. It's beginning to let up.   雨渐渐小了。( let up终止,减少,减缓)
  14. The wind is getting up.   起风了。
  15. The wind is dropping.   风逐渐减弱了。
  16. It looks like we are going to have a thunder shower.   看样子我们会遇上雷阵雨。
  17. I'm sensitive to heat.   我怕热。
  18. It's breezy today.   今天风和日丽。
  19. It's uncomfortable today. / It's unpleasant today.   今天的天气让人不舒服。
  20. The heat is killing me.   热死我了。
  21. A typhoon is coming. / A typhoon is on its way.   台风快到了。

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