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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-07-05 00:08:33  浏览次数:45

  1. Recently the issue of whether students should have extracurricular courses has caused wide

  1. Recently the issue of whether students should have extracurricular courses has caused wide public concern.   近来,学生是否应该补课这一问题引起了公众广泛的关注。
  2. According to a recent survey, about 78% of Chinese parents are willing to send their children tosome extracurricular courses.   据近的一项调查,在中国,大约有78%的父母都愿意送子女参加各种课外补习班。
  3. They tend to believe that those supplementary courses and extra guidance can help their children to be versatile.   家长们倾向于相信,那些补习课程和课外指导能够帮助孩子们变得多才多艺。
  4. Among the courses, artistic ones are the most popular.   在这些课程中,艺术类的课程备受欢迎。
  5. More importantly, attending extracurricular courses can urge their children to make full use of their free time.   更重要的是,参加课外补习能促使孩子们充分利用自己空闲的时间。
  6. Instead of pushing their children to all kinds of extracurricular courses, some parents choose to give them free choices by themselves.   一些家长选择让孩子们自己决定,而不是逼他们参加各种课外补习班。
  7. It is highly misleading to think that extracurricular courses can ensure a brighter future for the children.   认为补课能确保孩子们有一个更美好的未来是一种极其误导人的观念。
  8. In fact, some extracurricular courses are simply designed for economic benefits.   实际上,有些课外补习班仅仅是为了经济利益才开设的。
  9. On the side of children, they can easily feel exhausted after attending varied extracurricular courses.   对孩子们来说,参加了各种各样的课外补习班后,他们很容易感到疲惫不堪。
  10. What's more, such burden might lead to their hatred against learning itself.   更有甚者,这种负担可能会导致他们厌学。

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