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  1 .Whether compulsory education should be implemented has drawn attention from not only educa

  1 .Whether compulsory education should be implemented has drawn attention from not only educational authorities but also the public.   是否应该实施义务教育的问题不仅引起了教育专家的注意,还引起了公众的注意。
  2. It is held that compulsory education is imperative to achieve equality in educational opportunities among the whole population.   一些人认为义务教育对于实现全民受教育机会的平等是有必要的。
  3. Compulsory education is a common practice in western advanced countries.   在西方发达国家,义务教育是很普遍的做法。
  4. Compulsory education is crucial to promoting the basic quality of Chinese population.   义务教育对提高中国人口的基本素质至关重要。
  5. As a matter of fact, elementary education is now still unaffordable to many children from low income families in rural areas.   实际上,基础教育对于很多农村低收入家庭的儿童来说还是负担不起的。
  6. Because of the tuition fees, many children in rural areas are compelled to withdraw from schools.   因为学费问题,很多农村地区的儿童不得不辍学。
  7. A huge number of people urge that compulsory education in China should be free and available to all.   很多人要求中国的义务教育应该是免费的,并且人人都享有接受义务教育的权利。
  8. The reality is that China has too large a population.   现状是中国人口过多。
  9. Inevitably, free compulsory education will bring a huge burden to the Chinese government.   免费的义务教育不可避免地会给中国政府带来沉重的负担。
  10. It is advisable that compulsory education be sponsored by both governmental and public funds.   可取的是,义务教育由政府基金和公共基金共同负担。

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