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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-07-03 21:47:44  浏览次数:41
核心提示:  口语测试是雅思考试中的一大重要部分。为了方便同学们的复习,北外雅思小编为大家准备了有关雅思口语的出色模板,希望为大家的雅思复习提供帮助,本篇是关于预测的雅思口语模板。

  真题再现   What will houses be like in the future?   回答范例   Certainly, I'm surethat most people would agree that there will be a number of major changes related to this. Initially, I guess that we might begin to see houses that are much bigger. At the same time, I suppose it's quite probable that we may have houses under the sea. And who knows, it could even be possible that we'll see the arrival of houses on the moon.
  主旨句   Certainly, I'm sure most people would agree that there will be a number of major changes related to this.   当然,我很确定大多数人都会认为此事会引发很大的预测。   I'm sure that in years to come we will see a number of changes related to this.   我确定在即将到来的几年内,我们会看到许多与此事相关的改变。   I reckon that in the not so distant future there are going to be a few changes with regard to…   我推断在不远的将来,关于…会有一些改变。   I imagine that in the near future, we will witness some major changes with regard to…   我设想在不远的将来,我们会见证与…相关的一些重大改变。
  第一点   Initially, I guess that we might begin to see…   首先,我想我们可能会开始看到…   To begin with, I'd predict that we will be likely to have…   首先,我想我会预测我们很有可能有…   Primarily, it looks quite probable that we are going to have…   首先,看起来我们将非常可能有…
  第二点   At the same time, I suppose it's quite probable that we may have…   与此同时,我猜我们将非常可能有…   As well as this, some people claim that we will probably start to see…   除此以外,有些人声称我们将很有可能看到…   On top of this, I imagine it's quite likely that we will soon have“”“   首先,我想我们很有可能会很快拥有…   Likewise, I would imagine that we may even be able to see…   同样,我想我们甚至能够看到…
  第三点   And who knows, it could even be possible that we'll see the arrival of…   而且谁知道呢,很有可能我们会看到…的到来。   And I know it's a bit of a crazy thought, but one day we may even have”“”   而且我知道这是一个有点疯狂的想法,但是有一天我们甚至会拥有…   And who knows, there's even a chance that we will have…   而且谁知道呢,很有可能我们会拥有…   以上就是北外雅思为您整理的关于预测的雅思口语模板,对于想要提高雅思口语的同学来说,可以看看这些雅思口语模板,学习其中的答题方式和英语句子的使用,以及回答技巧,希望能够帮助到雅思考生们。
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