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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-07-01 22:42:51  浏览次数:18
核心提示:  你家里有几口人?   How many members do you have in your family?   How many people are there in your family?   Do you hav
  你家里有几口人?   How many members do you have in your family?   How many people are there in your family?   Do you have any brothers or sisters?你有兄弟姐妹吗?   Do you have a big family?你家是不是个大家庭?   Do you have any children?你有孩子吗?   How many children do you have?你有几个孩子?
  我哥哥将在情人节那天举行婚礼   My brother will get married on Valentine's Day.   My brother's wedding will be held on Valentine's Day.   My brother is going to marry on Valentine's Day.   The wedding ceremony of my brother is set onValentine's Day.
  我姐姐上个月生的孩子。   My elder sister had a baby last month.   My elder sister gave birth to a baby last month.   A baby was born to my elder sister last month.   你和父母相处融洽吗?   Do you live in harmony with your parents?   What's the relationship between you and your parents?   你和你父母的关系如何?   How do you get along with your parents?   你和父母相处的怎么样?   How often do you argue/quarrel with your parents?   你经常和父母吵架吗?
  处理好工作和家庭生活的关系很难。   It's hard to balance work and family life.   It's not easy to make a balance between work an dfamily life.   It's difficult to choose between work and family.   It's no easy job to make a choice between work and family life.

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