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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-30 09:48:57  浏览次数:37
核心提示:  手机在我们生活中有这举足轻重的重要地位,与我们息息相关,那么手机能在我们生活中起到什么样的作用呢?以下是由北京朗阁雅思为您整理的关于关于手机的雅思常见口语对话。

  1. is your cell phone imp

  1. is your cell phone important to you in your daily life?   手机对你的日常生活重要吗?
  Yes,I can’t live without it. I need it to send text messages,make phone calls,surf the internet and play games. My phone has a lot of crucial information in it,like my contacts,bank information and so on. My friends think I go a little overboard with how much I use my phone. I agree I should lay off the thing a little,but my phone is just too impor-tant to me. It’s got everything I need in it.   是的,我离不开我的手机。我用手机发短信、打电话、上网和玩游戏。我的手机里面还存了很多重要的信息,比如联系电话、银行信息等。我的朋友都觉得我过分依赖手机,我认为他们是对的。但是手机实在太重要了,我找不到任何东西可以取代它。
   2. What do you use it for?   你用手机做什么呢?
  Well,I have a smart phone. I use it to keep in contact with people. Other than that,I have a good GPS app for directions,a built-in camera to take photos from time to time,an MP3 function to listen to music and several other apps to watch movies or play games to kill time.   我有一部智能手机。我用它来和别人联系。除此之外,我使用GPS导航、偶尔用内置摄像头拍照片、用MP3听音乐,我也使用其他应用程序来消磨时间,比如看电影或玩游戏。
   3. Which function is the most important one to you?   哪一个手机功能对你来说重要?
  I think making phone calls is the most essential to me. But during workdays,I prefer to send messages in order to avoid disturbing others.   我认为拨打电话的功能是重要的。但是在工作日期间,我喜欢发短信,这样不会打扰别人。
  4 .Is there anything you dislike about using cell phones?   手机有什么让你不喜欢的地方?
  I am afraid of the radiation it emits. I also don’t like it when people talk loudly over the phone. But the thing I can’t stand the most about cell phones is that I am over-reliant onmine. If I don't look at it every few minutes,I start to feel like something is is a psychological vice. I think this sort of habit is very unhealthy. I really want to change it.   我害怕手机的辐射。我也不喜欢人们打电话的时候大声说话。但受不了的一点是,我觉得自己过度依赖手机,每过几分钟我如果不看看手机,就会心神不宁。这是一种心理疾病。我觉得这很不健康,并且很想要改变这个情况。

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