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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-25 18:23:39  浏览次数:14
  锦囊妙句   01|I’ll try the cream of cauliflower.   ★ cauliflower [?k??liflau?] n. 菜花   

  锦囊妙句   01|I’ll try the cream of cauliflower.   ★ cauliflower [?k??liflau?] n. 菜花   我想尝一尝奶油菜花汤。   02|Hush browns, please.   请给我土豆饼。   03|Would you care for soup or salad to start with?   先来点汤还是沙拉?   04|What kind of dressing would you like?   您想要哪种色拉酱?   05|What's in the chef's salad?   ★ chef [?ef] n. 主厨   主厨沙拉里有什么?   06|Bring me a side of French fries, please.   请给我一份薯条。   07|We want a large pizza.   我们要一个大的比萨饼。
  08|I'd also like a side order of coleslaw.   我要一份甘蓝沙拉。   09|How big is the hamburger?   汉堡有多大?   10|A large Coke, please.   请给我一大杯可乐。   11|Can I have some more bread?   能再多给我点面包吗?   12|What would you like for dessert?   要什么甜食呢?   13|What's your soup of the day?   你们今天的汤是什么?   14|I like vegetable beef soup.   我喜欢蔬菜牛肉汤。   15|It's our chef's recommendation.   这是我们大厨的拿手菜。
  实用对话   At a Western Restaurant   Jack : Is this your first time to eat at this kind of restaurant?   Joan : Yes. But I'm confused with so many items on the table.   Jack : They're quite different from those on a Chinese table.   Joan : Yes. This is napkin, the big plate I know. What about those knives?   Jack : The big one, right next to the dinner plate, is the meat knife, and the fork is on the other side. The middle one is for fowl and the one on the far right is the fish knife.   Joan : Can I use one for everything?   Jack : Yes, but they don't do that.   Joan : Is that acceptable?   Jack : No.   Joan : What about these glasses?   Jack : The biggest one is for water, called goblet. And the second biggest is for champagne; the two in the same size are for wine; and the smallest one is sherry are sometimes not so many glasses. It all depends on.'   Joan : I know wine is popular in the West.   Jack : The spoon, you know is for soup. They don't drink from the bowl directly. Those are condiments.

  杰克:你这是第一次吃西餐吗?   琼:对。但我被桌子上这么多的东西搞糊涂了。   杰克:这和中餐桌子上的东西很不一样。   琼:就是。这是餐巾,那个大盘子我知道,那么多的刀子是干什么的?   杰克:那个大的,紧挨着盘子的那个,是切肉刀;叉子在另一侧,中间的那个是禽肉刀;右边的那个是切鱼刀。   琼:我能用一把刀切所有的菜吗?   杰克:可以,但是他们不那么做。   琼:别人能接受吗?   杰克:不能。   琼:那这些杯子呢?   杰克:那个是水杯,叫goblet;第二大的那个是香槟酒杯;那两个一样大的是葡萄酒杯;小的那个是雪利酒杯。有时没这么多杯子。一切根据情况定。   琼:我知道葡萄酒在西方很流行。   杰克:这个汤匙,你知道是喝汤用的。他们不直接端起碗喝汤。那些是调味品。
  经典背诵   Remarks of President Barack Obama奥巴马总统讲演
  We've become accustomed to the title of "military super power"forgetting the qualities that got us there, and not just the power of our weapons, but the discipline and valor and the code of conduct of our men and women in uniform. The Marshall Plan, and the Peace Corps,and all those initiatives that show our commitment to working with other nations to pursue the ideals of opportunity and equality and freedom that have made us who we are; that's what made us a superpower.

  沈阳美联英语学校老师译文:   我们已经习惯了军事强国的头衔,却忘记了使我们达到这样地位的特质,不是武器的强悍,而是我们战士一贯的训练有素,勇猛的士气和管理的章程。马歇尔计划,维和部队以及所有的那些倡议都体现了美国与其他国家一起合作,追求机会、平等和自由的决心,其成就了美国,造就了美国超强大的地位。
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