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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-25 18:03:41  浏览次数:28
核心提示:  关于竞争合作的雅思作文范文,一些人认为孩子应该鼓励有竞争意识,但有些人认为应该懂得合作,关于竞争合作问题你怎么看?以下就是上海朗阁雅思小编为您整理的关于竞争合作的雅思作文范文。

  Some people thin

  Some people think children should be encouraged to have a sense of competition. Others believe that children who are taught to cooperate rather than compete with others can become more useful adults in the future. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
  Many hotly-debated issues have arisen in education, one of which is whether children should be taught to compete or to cooperate. Views regarding this issue vary greatly from person to person.
  Some people hold the view that children should be instilled in a sense of competition. They argue that competition is constant in our studies and life. Those who are competitive are generally those who have more possibilities of surviving in society when they become adults. They also put forward the view that it is, in essence, competition that acts as the driven force behind the progress in all fields. Therefore, being competitive is vital to the advancement of the society. In these people' s eyes, a sense of competition should be prioritised.
  (上海朗阁雅思点评:①be instilled in为表达闪光点。②Those who ... are gener-ally those who ...这个句型要熟记熟用,必能增分。)
  Other people, however, hold a different view. They maintain that learning to cooperate is far more important than learning to compete. They lend support to their view by pointing out the fact that given the status quo, only through collective efforts of cooperation can people make things happen. They put forward some complex projects, such as space travel, for their case. It is unimaginable for a single-handed person to make a difference in such projects no matter how competitive he is.
  (上海朗阁雅思点评:however引出另一方观点。They lend support to their view by pointing out the fact ...此句用于引出论据应熟记,不必深究。 only引出倒装句,这里强调方式状语。)
  I think, although we should attach importance to the sense of competition because it is a kind of positive built-in mechanism of humans, we should put a higher price on the sense of cooperation because it is not only what constantly changing society from other animals.

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