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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-25 17:58:36  浏览次数:20
核心提示:  关于死记硬背的雅思作文范文,通过频繁的重复(死记硬背)信息背诵在现代教育体系扮演着重要的角色,关于死记硬背问题你怎么看?以下就是上海朗阁雅思小编为您整理的关于死记硬背的雅思作文范文。

  Memorisation o

  Memorisation of information by frequent repetition (rote learning) plays a role in modern education systems. To what extent do you agree or disagree?   通过频繁的重复(死记硬背)信息背诵在现代教育体系扮演着重要的角色,你觉得呢?
  The debate surrounding study methodology is perhaps the most charged one in education. This is partly the result of the fact that people are paying more and more attention to the effectiveness of study.
  We are now entering the era of the so-called information age, which means that we are faced with huge amounts of information all the time, perhaps too huge for an ordinary person to deal with. In this case, nobody would disagree that it is impossible for students to memorise all information. Attempting to do that, not only will they waste a lot of time, they may also suffer heavily from the low effectiveness of their studies. Nobody, I am sure, would like to see this happen. Also, interest obviously plays an important role in studies,but unfortunately,memorising information repeatedly can easily make people feel bored.

  Modern education, in my eyes,should focus on improving students’ability of thinking independently and critically,as well as analysing and making the best use of the information available. So simply memorising is obviously unfit for the status quo.
  However,it must be admitted that this study method is still relatively useful in some example,when a student begins to learn a foreign language,one of the best ways to enlarge the vocabulary is through repeated memorisation of the unfamiliar words. And also, it is said that by memorising, a person' s memory can be exercised and enhanced. Nevertheless,I would argue again that repeated memorisation should step off the central stage of education, making room for more effective methods.
  (上海朗阁雅思点评:该部分为让步句式(it must be admitted that),对待反方观点通常可采取两种方法:a.承认其有可取之处;b.找出这种观点的理由并加以驳斥。后者更有力,但也更难。nevertheless使话锋一转,再次亮出自已的观点。)
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