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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-25 17:51:29  浏览次数:27
核心提示:  关于考试的利弊的雅思作文范文,一些人认为考试对学生和教师都有坏的影响,当有人认为这会起到积极作用,关于考试的利弊问题你怎么看?以下就是上海朗阁雅思小编为您整理的关于考试的利弊的雅思作文范文。

  Some peop

  Some people think that exams have some bad effects on both students and teachers. Some others say the exams can do a good job in the evaluation of students’performance. What is your opinion?
  Exams have existed in many countries for centuries,and there has been no shortage of people debating the role they play. I think along with its undoubted popularity and importance in reality come more potential drawbacks.   Many people might hold the view that exams,as they have been, are a good tool to evaluate students’academic performance. They argue that those who do very well in exams are generally those who are intelligent. It is,however,doubtful whether this tool can be applied universally. A great number of geniuses who contributed greatly to the development of science and technology did not have rosy academic records. Einstein, a giant in science,was viewed as a retarded student at his schooling age. Who would say Bill Gates is nobody even though he did not make it to graduate from Harvard University? To name but a few. Therefore,it is not reasonable to say that exams are a reliable multifaceted means to judge students’ performance. Instead, both teachers and students have suffered a lot due to the overwhelming role played by exams.   (上海朗阁雅思点评:①第二段首先提出反方观点,然后用举例法加以反驳。注意问句的使用能增加文ii的力量。本段再次出现those who…are those who are ...,可以加深记忆。②后一句起到了路标的作用,引出了下文,这是一种很好的手段,不妨试试。)   Students have complained bitterly that they are under the heavy pressure of studying extremely hard for fear that they might fail in exams,because they are sold the concept that failure in exams means failure in future’s severe competition. As a consequence,it is not a rarity to read the reports that an increasing number of students have been riddled with a series of anti-social be haviours ranging from unwilling to interact with others to even committing suicide. Teachers,on the other hand, are also the victims of exams. In order to meet the requirements of exam-driven teaching, they have to focus on improving the so-called exam techniques,neglecting the nature of teaching, which is enhancing students’comprehensive abilities,such as reading, writing and most importantly,critical thinking. All these will inevitably result in the emergence of a disabled generation who know nothing but how to prepare for exams a disaster to a nation.   (上海朗阁雅思点评:①第三段从学生和老师两方面说明考试的弊端。②两个failure的同时出现称之为“关键词重复”,是一种修辞手段。③ on the other hand使文章自然从学生过渡到了老师。④it is not a rarity to read the reports(读到这类报道已是司空见惯)可加以应用,记住:报道可以用来支持你的观点。)   Therefore, effective measures should be made to get rid of the ills resulting from exams. The top priority,I think, is to put exams in the appropriate position, making them one of the ways to show students' potentials.   (上海朗阁雅思点评:后一段呼吁应采取措施消除考试所带来的弊端,并列出了一个具体措施。)
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