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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-25 12:11:49  浏览次数:19
核心提示:  关于优惠的英语对话--汉普森英语
  打折优惠Offering Discounts   客户问询   Do you offer any discounts to regular clients?你们给长
  打折优惠Offering Discounts   客户问询   Do you offer any discounts to regular clients?你们给长期客户打折吗?   Do we qualify for any of your discounts?我们有资格享受哪个打折方案呢,What discounts will you be able to offer for prompt payment?立即付款有多大折扣?
  商家解释政策   We offer a number of discounts.我们会提供很多种打折方案。   It depends on the size of the orders and the regularity of the orders.打折程度要依订单量和订单频率而定。   You would qualify for the prompt payment scheme.你们有资格享受及时付款方案。   A payment should be made within seven days of receipt of invoice.收到发票后7日内付款。
  讨论折扣   A 4% discount is our best offer for the quantities you are requesting就您的量来说,4%是我们能给的低折扣。   The set price is£2,500 each and we can give you a 10% discount.   标价是每把2, 500英镑,我们可以给10%的折扣。   If you give us a discount of 6%,we can pay within sixty days.   如果给我们6%的折扣,我们就在60天内付款。
  对话场景   凯特向客户索耶解释公司的折扣政策,告诉他如果在一定期限内付款,就可以享受优惠折扣。
  句型重点   说明折扣的实施方法。   Kate: I think we've discussed everything from our side.   Did you have any other questions?   凯特:我想我们这边一切都已商定好了。您还有其他问题吗?   Sawyer: Yes, there's just the final issue of payment.   索耶:有,就剩后一项付款问题了。   Kate: Yes, of course.   凯特:是的,当然。   Sawyer: Do you offer any discounts to regular clients?   索耶:你们给长期客户打折吗?   Kate: Yes, we offer a number of discounts. It depends on the size of the orders and the regularity of the orders.   凯特:是的,我们会提供很多打折方案。打折程度要依订单量和订单频率而定。   Sawyer: Do we qualify for any of your discounts?   索耶:我们有资格享受哪个打折方案呢?   Kate: I'd have to have this approved by my manager,but it looks like you would qualify for the prompt payment scheme.   凯特:这得由经理批准,不过看样子你们应该有资格享受及时付款方案。   Sawyer: Some of our other vendors offer the same kind of discount. How do you define prompt?   索耶:我们其他的一些货主都给我们打了同样的折扣。“及时”是怎么定义的呢?   Kate: prompt for our company means that a payment has been made within seven days of receipt of invoice. Is that something you are interested in?   凯特:对我们公司而言,“及时”意味着收到发票后7日内付款。您对这个方案感兴趣吗?   Sawyer: Yes, of course. How shall we proceed?   索耶:是的,当然。我们该怎么做?   Kate:I'll have my manager contact you about it later this week.   凯特:本周晚些时候,我会请经理就此事联系你们。   Sawyer: Actually, you can have your manager contact the Finance Director. I will send you his details in an E-mail.   索耶:其实。你可以请经理联系财务总监。我会发给你一封电子邮件,介绍一下他的联系方式。   Kate: Great. I'll be in touch soon.   凯特:太好了。我将尽快与你们联系。 以上是汉普森英语英语学校小编为您整理关于优惠的英语对话内容。
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