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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-24 15:26:34  浏览次数:25
核心提示:  商务英语市场调查报告-宁波美联英语
  调查主题   The research that I’m going to talk about today is about our customers’   experi
  调查主题   The research that I’m going to talk about today is about our customers’   experience of the Internet.
  调查结果和分析   The majority of our customers do go online on a daily basis.
  80% of our customers say that they browse,but do not contribute todiscussions.
  We asked our customers why they don't contribute.
  We categorized their answers into four main areas.
  结论和建议   If we want our customers to contribute to our website, we need to...   如果我们希望客户参与我们的网络活动,我们需要……What we can take from this is that…从中我们能够知道的是……This is very important feedback for us.这份反馈对我们很重要。
  情景对话   对话场景:调查显示大多数网民都只浏览网站而不贡献内容。报告人提出4项举措,希望提升网民的写文积极性。   句型重点:说明一种现象及产生原因.提出建议。
  Susan: As you know, we have invested a lot of money;in putting together a new cutting-edge website for ourcustomers. So, the research that I’m going to talk about;today is about our customers'experience and understandingof the Internet.
  If you look at this chart, you will see that the majority of ourcustomers do go online on a daily basis. Remember, ourustomers range in age from 18 to 65+.
  Many of you are probably familiar with the term 'lurker'. Alurker is someone who merely looks online but doesn'tparticipate in any way. Perhaps unsurprisingly, 80% of ourcustomers say that they browse, but do not contribute todiscussions, ask questions,or participate in any way.
  In a web world where social media websites run;rampant,many websites rely on their users to contributein some way. So we asked our customers why they don';t contribute. We categorized their answers into four mainareas,which you can see here on slide . They include:1)I don't trust the Internet, 2) i don't feel confident in what I’
  m saying, 3) 1 don't have time to contribute, and 4) 1 don'tunderstand how to contribute.   This is very important feedback for us. What we can takefrom this is that if we want our customers to contribute toour website, we need to 1)become trustworthy, 2) makeour users feel confident, 3) design a quick and easy way forthem to contribute and,4) give clear guidance on how tocontribute.   Thank you. Do you have any questions?
  宁波美联英语小编译文:   苏珊:正如大家所知,我们为给客户组建一个新颖的前沿网站,已经投入了大量资金。因此,今天我将和大家谈的调查是针对客户的上网经历和他们对互联网的认识的。
  这些反馈对我们很重要。从中我们能够知道,如果希望客户参与网络活动,我们需要1)获得客户的信赖;2)提高客户的信心;3)设计一套简单快捷的参与方式;4)给出明确的参与指导。   谢谢。大家有什么问题吗?

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