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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-24 15:22:34  浏览次数:31
核心提示:  商务英语营销计划-南昌美联英语
  策略   We will be starting a new e一marketing campaign at the end of the month.   本月底我们将开展一个
  策略   We will be starting a new e一marketing campaign at the end of the month.   本月底我们将开展一个电子营销活动。
  We will be starting a large-scale promotional campaign in February.   在二月份,我们将开展一场大规模的促销活动。
  We are also setting up new social media pages.   我们还将创建新的社交网页。
  We will be using all of these sites to increase our audience.   我们会利用所有的这些网站来增加读者量。
  目标   If this is successful,perhaps we can boost sales in the next three quarters.   如果成功的话,我们或许可以在接下来的3个季度大幅提高销量。
  We've set the annual target at 19,000.
  我们已将年度目标定为19, 000台。
  I estimate that sales for this model should reach 1,000.
  We expect this series this year to have similar sales as last year.
  I have set the target slightly lower, at 500.
  情景对话   对话场景:在去年业绩惨淡的情况下,大卫提出要在今年第二季度挽回颓势,并拿出了相应的促销举措。   句型重点:说明计划和目标。
  David:Welcome back. Today we’re going to go overthe marketing plan and targets for the year.
  To start, let's look at the sales figures from last year. Ifyou look at this chart, you’II see that the sales dippeddramatically from the second quarter to the third quarterand dropped again in the founth quarter.
  We will be starting a new e-marketing campaign at theend of the month. Not only will we save costs by doingthis online,but we’II also be able to capture a wholenew audience.
  In addition to optimizing our current website, we arealso setting up new social media pages一youtube,facebook,twitter and the like. We will be using all ofthese sites to increase our audience.
  Although we do not expect a dramatic increase in salesfor the first two quarters of this year, we think thiscampaign will stabilize sales by the end of the secondquarter.
  If you remember from last year, the A-Z of BusinessBook was our best seller. As we expect sales to dropslightly this year, we've set the annual target at 19,000We expect the next top four sellers,listed here inthe chart,to have similar sales this year as last year.
  Therefore, we've kept the target the same for these.
  You can see all the other targets for our products on page5 of the document in front of you. We'll be discussing allof this in greater detail in the next few weeks.
  Now, do any of you have any questions?
  南昌美联英语小编译文:   大卫:欢迎回来。今天我们要商讨今年的市场营销计划和销售指标。
  除了优化提升现有网站,我们还将在youtube, facebook, twitter等网站创建新的社交网页。我们会利用所有的这些网站来增加读者量。
  因为我们预计今年的销量会稍微下滑,所以我们将这本书的年度销售目标定为19, 000本。   我们预计,图表中所列出的其余4本畅销书的销量会与去年持平。因此,我们对这些书保留了原有的指标。
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