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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-24 14:35:46  浏览次数:29
核心提示:  商务英语年度预算-南京美联英语

  要求增加   I think that we need to increase the budget for research this year.   我认为今年我们需

  要求增加   I think that we need to increase the budget for research this year.   我认为今年我们需要增加市场调查的预算。
  We should increase the budget by at least 20%.   我们应该将预算至少提高20%。
  We need everything I put in the budget.   我做入预算的一切都是我们需要的。
  The research budget is very thin already.   我们的研发预算已经很少了。
  I' m not sure that we'd be able to cut it any further.   我不确定能否再进一步削减下去。
  要求压缩   It's going to be another tight year.   明年又将是资金紧张的一年。
  I think we could lower the budget for conferences.   我认为我们可以消减会议预算。
  We could cut costs by 75% by changing caterers alone.   只需更换承办商,我们就能减少75%的成本。
  You could reduce overhead costs.   你们可以削减日常费用开支。
  Don't forget you have quite a buffer.   别忘记你们有足够的备用金。
  I think your figures should stay the same.   我认为你们的数字应该维持不变。
  情扮对话   对话场景:总经理和各部门主管讨论预算。为了增加调研费,他们要设法让活动费降低75%.   句型重点:说明预算的增减及相应理由。
  Director: I just want to start by thanking those of youwho took the time to review your budget plan and sendme comments before the meeting today. Now, let's gothrough the budget plan for the year
  Marketing Manager: I didn't receive anything before themeeting. Is there still time to amend the budget?
  Director:Yes,the point of the meeting today is toreview the plan together with an aim to finalize it by nextFriday.
  Marketing Manager:Well,I think that we need toincrease the budget for research this year.
  Director: What do you propose gets cut?
  Marketing Manager: I think we could lower the budgetfor the conference in March and the networking event inNovember.
  Director: I think we're already working with quite a smallbudget for events. I'm not sure that we'd be able to cutit anv further.
  Marketing Manager: Actually, my executive assistantwas investigating the costs of alternate caterers andfound that we could cut costs by 75% by changingcaterers alone.
  Director: Great work. You’!!have to send me the detailson that. Did you have any other comments?
  Marketing Manager: That's all for now. Overall,I thinkthis looks like a very reasonable budget.
  南京美联英语小编译文:   总经理:首先,我想感谢在开会前花时间审核预算计划并提交意见的同事们。   现在,我们开始研究一下本年度的预算计划。
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