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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-22 23:25:25  浏览次数:41
核心提示:  读书看报的英语对话-绍兴美联英语
  Classic Sentences经典句子   's the current best一seller?   当今畅销的书是什么?    there a newsstand near here?   这儿有报亭吗?    me, where can I find children's books?   请问儿童书籍在哪里?    are you read一ng recently?   你近在读什么?    could hardly open a book these days.   这些日子以来我很少看书。   's your favorite magazine?   你喜欢的杂志是什么?   'd like to buy Harry Potter by JK Rowling.   我想要买JK·罗琳所写的《哈利·波特》。    Potter一s a movie fit-in book.   《哈利·波特》这部电影是结合书发行的。   's your favorite part of this book?   你喜欢这本书的哪一个部分?   'm at the very end of the book.   我快要看完这本书了。    join our reading group.   请加入我们的读书会。    have no一dea what to read. Please give me a recommended readinglist.   我不知道要看些什么书。请给我一份推荐书单。    looked at the book cover and thought that it was going to be very boring.   我看了一下书的封面,心里想这将是一本非常无聊的书。    is a great read!   这是一本值得一读的好书。    don't have to read every word, just skim it.   你不必每个字都看,只要浏览一下就行了。
  02 Useful Dialogue实用对话   Reading books   (It was Sunday. George came to Brian to ask whether he had finishedreading the novel they bought last week.   George: Good morning, Brian. Have you finished reading the novel youbought last week?   Brian: No, I was very busy yesterday. I only finished reading half of it.   George: When will you plan to finish reading it?   Brian: about three days more, I think.   George: Well, I'll come to you for it three days later.   Brian: No problem.   George: Do you think this novel is interesting?   Brian: Yes, it there are many characters in it, and sometimesyou'll be confused.   George: I see.   Brian: By the way, how will you kill your time this afternoon?   George: I happened to buy my favorite magazine yesterday. And I thinkthere's nothing better than reading something. It's excellent relaxation.   Brian: And there is a saying,“It's never too late to learn.”Reading isa good way to learn.   George: You are quite wish I had more time for reading.

  绍兴美联老师译文:   读书   (星期天,乔治来找布莱恩,问他是否读完了他们上周买的那本小说。)乔治:早上好,布莱恩。你看完上周买的那本小说了吗?   布莱恩:还没有,我昨天特别忙。我只读了一半。   乔治:你打算什么时候读完这本小说?   布莱恩:我想大约还要三天时间。   乔治:那么,三天后我来取。   布莱恩:没问题。   乔治:你认为这本小说有趣吗?   布莱恩:是的,很有趣。但里面有很多人物,有时会把你弄糊涂的。   乔治:我明白了。   布莱恩:顺便问一下,今天下午你打算怎样打发时间?   乔治:昨天我碰巧买了我喜欢的杂志。没有什么比读点儿书更好的了。这是一种很好的休息。   布莱恩:常言道“活到老,学到老”。读书是很好的学习方式。   乔治:你说得对。我希望有更多的时间来看书。
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