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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-22 11:57:49  浏览次数:20
核心提示:  书本知识语社会经验雅思作文范文-深圳环球雅思
  It has been said,"Not everything that is learned is contained in books:’   Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gainedfrom books. In your opinion, which source is more important?
  Sample Answer   People always are learning and practicing through their whole lives. From readingwords in textbook such as toy,car etc., people develop concepts and ideas. Theyfurther understand the actual meaning of these words by playing toys and riding carsetc. Education (books) and experience are the two main channels for people to gaintheir knowledge. Each plays a different role for people. In my opinion,knowledgefrom experience is more important than that from books.   Experience firstly can prove whether the knowledge from books is true or false.   Textbooks are very wonderful in teaching people essential principles. However,people can only understand the real meaning of those from books and justify them ifthey are right through practices. A few hundred years ago,people learnt fromtextbooks that the earth was flat. However navigators found that was wrong throughobservations and voyage.   Knowledge from experience can improve and advance the world and our society. Asbooks have limitations,they only teach us about what people found in the past. Theknowledge from the books is constrained to the certain conditions and environment.   For example, the university course only taught me very simple cases. Mostknowledge I possess is obtained from various difficult and complicated cases in mycareer. There are a lot of new inventions and new products,which could not befound yet in textbooks. Our society and world are developed through continuouspractices. Some knowledge,never found in books,such as internet,e一businessetc. are all developed through new practices.   "The truth comes from practices and experience",so goes an old saying. Peopleare continually discovering new things and assessing the credibility of knowledgewritten in books. The knowledge from experience helps us much more than thatfrom books.   ▼考官评分:8
  深圳环球雅思老师译文:   人们一生都在学习和实践。当从书上读到诸如玩具、汽车等词语时,人们才有这样的概念和想法,而他们更深入地理解这些词语的意思是在玩玩具和驾驶汽车的时候书本和实践是人们获得知识的两个主要途径在获得知识的过程中它们扮演了不同的角色。依我看来,通过实践获得知识比通过书本获得知识更重要。
  实践首先可以检验那些从书本获得的知识是否正确。教科书在教授人们基础知识时很有用。   但是人们只有经过实践才能明白那些概念的真正意义和判断它们的对错几百年前人们从教科书上学到地球是平的但是航海家通过观测和航海旅行发现那是错误的。
  从实践得到的知识可以改善和发展世界和社会书本有它的局限它只能教授我们过去的发现书本上的知识受限于某时的条件和环境比如大学的课程仅仅教授我非常简单的东西我的大部分。知识是从处理工作中各种各样的困难和复杂的事件中获得的有很多新的发明和产品并不是在书中能够找到的。我们的世界和社会是在持续的实践中发展的,一些事物,比如因特网、电子商务等,当时从没在书中出现,它们是在新的实践中发展起来的。   古谚说“实践出真知”。人们在不断地发现新的事物和验证书本上知识的可信度。从实践中获得的知识要比书本上获得的重要得多。
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