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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-19 18:55:52  浏览次数:35
核心提示:  想要取得托福写作的高分希望大家一定要重视托福写作高分范文的积累,多多了解一下托福写作技巧是什么,珠海雅思托福培训学校小编为您提供托福作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于看新闻的托福作文范文。


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is desirable to know about events from all over the world even if it is unlikely to have any effect on your daily specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  Somewhere in the deserts of east Africa, a small village is facing starvation. Does this affect me in any way? No, I watch the news report on TV and then head out to do some grocery shopping. The streets of Cairo, Egypt, are filled with protestors; I plan my upcoming trip to England. Every day there are stories on CNN or in the New York Times dealing with people I don't know facing situations I have never experienced myself. My own life may not be changed because of these events, but my knowledge of my place in this world would be seriously impoverished without such exposure.
  By learning about events happening down the street from us (the local news) or in Washington, . (the national news) or in a far-off country (the international news),we become better-educated citizens of the world. On the local level, we learn what is happening in our own town or city: Are we living in a safe neighborhood? Are our children attending good schools? On the national level, we learn what is happening in our country: Are our elected officials representing our interests as well as we would like? Are we prepared for any physical disasters? And on the international level, we learn that other countries often experience the same periods of unrest and agitation as we ourselves have done, and that other nations are just as proud of their heritage as we are of ours. Such knowledge leads to understanding and tolerance.

  Knowing about events taking place all over the world may not make a difference in our daily actions, but they frequently have a noticeable effect on us in the long run. Any unrest in the Middle East, for example, will likely cause gasoline prices to rise in our own country. China's booming housing market may eventually help our own economy because of the need for building materials produced in the . Terrible floods in Australia will at some point decrease the volume of our imports from the Land Down Under. As far as the global economy is concerned, any disruption in the supply chain will have a ripple effect all over the world. Is it not preferable that we are aware of these ripples before they do have a major impact on our lives?   A little knowledge may be a dangerous thing, but a broad, balanced, and comprehensive knowledge of the events that shape our world is surely a positive benefit to all of us.   珠海雅思托福培训学校资深老师认为,托福范文必须琢磨透才能真正起到作用,所以珠海雅思托福培训学校为您提供关于看新闻的托福作文范文的翻译,希望给各位学子有所启发。   东非沙漠某个地区的某个小村庄正在遭受饥荒。这会对我造成影响吗?不会,我在电视上看完这条新闻之后,便到杂货店里购物去了。埃及首都开罗大街上到处都是抗议游行的人,但我依然计划着即将来临的英国旅行。每天美国有线电视和《纽约时报》等媒体都在报道我不认识的人面临的我从来没有经历过的境遇。我自己的生活可能并不会因为这些事情而有任何改变,但假如没有这些信息的呈现,我对自己在这个世界上所处位置的认知将会严重枯竭。
  一知半解也许是危险的,但是如果对这些构成整个世界的事件有了广泛、平衡、全面的认识,则肯定会令我们从中受益。   珠海雅思托福培训学校认为,所谓托福作文,就是文章要‘撰’出来,更要‘钻’进去,才能写出好文,妙文。既不拘泥俗套,又惟妙惟肖。托福作文若如此修炼,不但事半功倍,且暗合英文思维表达,更符合官方要求,珠海雅思托福培训学校小编希望本篇关于看新闻的托福作文范文能给大家有所启发。
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