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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-19 15:58:01  浏览次数:25
核心提示:  想要取得托福写作的高分希望大家一定要重视托福写作高分范文的积累,多多了解一下托福写作技巧是什么,上海朗阁小编为您提供托福作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于未来的托福作文范文。

  Do you agree or dis

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In twenty years, people will have more leisure time. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.   你是否同意以下观点?20年后,人们将拥有更多休闲时问。请用具体的理由和事例来说明。   Every generation sees advances in new technology that make life better-and easier-for those who are lucky enough to be able to take advantage of them. Although the situation of the poor in disadvantaged countries will remain pretty much unchanged (hard- scrabble work, limited education, isolation from the electronically-connected world),those members of the middle and upper classes with access to technological innovations will definitely see their leisure time increasing in the next twenty years.
  Perhaps the most important innovation for the average person in developed countries will be the use of robots, both in businesses and in homes. No longer will a homeowner have to vacuum the house, spending upwards of about an hour of time to do , a pre-programmed robot will take care of this task, while the homeowner is free to read a book, watch a movie, or visit a museum. We can also imagine that many of our other common chores will also be accomplished twenty years from now by automated processes-the washing machine of the future, for example, might not just wash the clothes but dry and fold them as well.
  And just imagine how much the computer will be affecting our everyday lives twenty years from now! Through voice recognition technology (available now, but not widely used yet) we may be able to speak directly to our computer and say (for example), “I want to spend my vacation in the Bahamas this year,” and then go play a round of golf while the computer (which has been programmed with all our personal preferences),contacts the airlines and a resort in the Bahamas and books our flight and room. Allthat will be left for us to do is to go there. (A “personal assistant” robot might even be available to pack our bags.)
  In the 18th century, before the widespread availability of electricity, just being able to stay warm and well-fed required copious amounts of time and energy. A typical rural “housewife” in 1850, for example, would have to grow vegetables and raise animals to feed her family. It might take her all day long just to prepare a simple dinner: She would have to pick the vegetables from the garden, then select and slaughter a hen or a pig, then process it, then chop wood for the wood stove, then prepare the meal. Nowadays,the same woman can simply go to the pantry, select a microwaveable meal, zap it for a few moments and then serve it up. Twenty years from now, the process may be ever quicker, allowing her to spend more time playing with her family and less time working for them.   上海朗阁资深老师认为,托福范文必须琢磨透才能真正起到作用,所以上海朗阁为您提供关于未来的托福作文范文的翻译,希望给各位学子有所启发。   每一代人都在看到新技术的进步,使有幸利用这种进步的人的生活变得更加美好和便捷。尽管一些贫穷的国家的贫穷状况几乎不会有什么改变(艰辛的工作、接受有限的教育、远离电子信息时代),而那些有机会接触科技创新事物的中层和上层人士将清楚地看到,他们的休闲时间会在未来的20年间增加。
  在18世纪电普及之前,仅仅是为了保暖和吃饱,就需要耗费大量的时问和精力。例如在1850年,典型的农村“家庭主妇”不得不自己种菜和养家畜来养活家人。她也许要花一整天时间去准备一顿简单的晚餐:她必须去菜园摘菜,然后挑出一只鸡或者一头猪宰杀加工;完了还得为生火砍柴,然后才能真正开始煮菜做饭。而现在,同样的“家庭主妇”只需要到食品储藏室选出一盒微波食品,加热几分钟直接端上桌就行。加年后,这个过程花费的时间可能会更短,如此一来,家庭主妇可以花更多的时间与家人玩乐,更少的时间为家人工作。   上海朗阁认为,所谓托福作文,就是文章要‘撰’出来,更要‘钻’进去,才能写出好文,妙文。既不拘泥俗套,又惟妙惟肖。托福作文若如此修炼,不但事半功倍,且暗合英文思维表达,更符合官方要求,上海朗阁小编希望本篇关于未来的托福作文范文能给大家有所启发。
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