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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-19 14:05:36  浏览次数:29
核心提示:  想要取得托福写作的高分希望大家一定要重视托福写作高分范文的积累,多多了解一下托福写作技巧是什么,广州启德小编为您提供托福作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于手机的托福作文范文。

  Do you agree or dis

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should not be permitted to use mobile phones on public transportation vehicles, such as buses, trains or aeroplanes. Use specific reasons and details to explain your opinion.


  In this question, the varying situations must be considered. As a general principle, I believe the use of mobile phones should be allowed on public transportation. But there are situations and locations when they should be restricted or forbidden and when greater common courtesy should be used.
  For safety reasons, mobile phones must not be allowed on airplanes during takeoff and landing because it interferes with the communication system. Absent such practical safety considerations there should be no prohibition of cell phone use.
  What applies in most situations is the objectionable behavior of the cell phone user. The passenger who absentmindedly stands in the subway doorway reading or writing text messages; the guy talking loudly on his cell phone on the night train when others are trying to sleep; the person who enthusiastically talks on the phone as the bus passes her stop then makes a scene demanding the bus driver to stop right there to let her out-all these have to do with the behavior of the mobile phone user not the fact of the phone itself as on the airplane. These situations make us wish cell phones were banned on public transportation.
  But in the case of the friend who has received a suicide threatening call and is rushing to their side while trying to keep them talking on the phone; the nurse who is giving critical instructions to her neighbor whose child just been hurt; the lover who just wants to reassure his sweetheart that he loves her and wants to apologize for something he just said in anger as he left her at the bus stop; the student who is receiving word from his teacher that he has reconsidered his appeal and will allow a re-test-in these situations the cell phone must be allowed.
  Thus, except in safety situations, mobile phones should be allowed. We just need improvement in the human behavior issue.   广州启德资深老师认为,托福范文必须琢磨透才能真正起到作用,所以广州启德为您提供关于手机的托福作文范文的翻译,希望给各位学子有所启发。   为了回答这个问题,我们需要考虑多种情形。在一般原则下,我认为公共交通工具上应该允许人们使用手机。但是在某些情况和地点,以及需要我们表现出一般礼貌的情况下,需要限制或禁止使用手机。
  因此,除了安全情形,手机应该被允许使用。我们只是需要关注如何改善人们的行为。   广州启德认为,所谓托福作文,就是文章要‘撰’出来,更要‘钻’进去,才能写出好文,妙文。既不拘泥俗套,又惟妙惟肖。托福作文若如此修炼,不但事半功倍,且暗合英文思维表达,更符合官方要求,广州启德小编希望本篇关于手机的托福作文范文能给大家有所启发。
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