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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-13 23:42:59  浏览次数:24
核心提示:  教育类雅思写作范文之教育与就业,为帮助大家更好准备雅思考试,现在陆续为大家提供雅思作文考试新真题和范文及其译文,希望对大家雅思考试有所帮助,一起来看:教育类雅思写作范文之教育与就业。


  考题重现:In countries where there is a high rate of unemployment, most pupils shouldbe offered only primary education. However, others believe that highereducation helps people find jobs. Discuss both sides and give your ownopinion.
  核心词汇:unemployment, primary / higher education

  Due to unemployment, should people give up further education? And what is the aim of higher education? Some people believe that a basic education can be enough to fulfill the requirements of a person's lifetime. However, others hold an adverse perspective on the same issue. Personally,unemployment has no link with education itself, which just does not synchronize with demands.
  On the one hand, when it comes to basic education, there are two obvious advantages: Firstly,it is primary education that establishes the foundation of all subjects one should master. In other words, only learning from the very basic level, one may have the chance to get to know something deeper in the future. Secondly, and more importantly, through primary education,one can cultivate his desire of learning and understanding. Without the interests in study, it is impossible for anyone to promote himself to the higher levels. Like the foundation of abuilding, primary education is the foundation to build one's life education upon.
  On the other hand, further education has its unique benefits: firstly, one can get the whole system of learning schedule from higher education in college, which can benefit one's life , to evaluate one's life quality, there are two important elements: wealth and taste, which can be both gained from further education, if one works hard in that field. In other words, one not only can learn his major, but also can enjoy literature, art and music in ,it is a fantastic chance to meet and chat with people who have something in common in higher levels of education. Universities are like a stage or platform, on which people can consolidate the friendship they have for one another.
  In summary, not only primary education but also higher education has their own advantages,which should be protected as much as possible. Facing various kinds of education levels, people should decide based on their own demands.




  【亮点句型】   due to sth
  Due to unemployment, should people give up further education?

  when it comes to sth.
  …when it comes to basic education, there are two obvious advantages…

  like the foundation of a building, sth. is the foundation to build sth. upon
  Like the foundation of a building, primary education is the foundation to build one's lifeeducation upon.

  it is a fantastic chance to do sth.
  Lastly, it is a fantastic chance to meet and chat with people who have something incommon in higher levels of education.

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