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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-13 22:48:25  浏览次数:22
核心提示:  社会类雅思写作范文之工商业与城乡,为帮助大家更好准备雅思考试,现在陆续为大家提供雅思作文考试新真题和范文及其译文,希望对大家雅思考试有所帮助,一起来看:社会类雅思写作范文之工商业与城乡。


  考题重现:In some countries, governments are encouraging industries and businessesto move out of large cities and into rural areas. To what extent do you agreeor disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include examples from yourknowledge or experiences.
  核心词汇:industries and businesses to move out of city

  Like a disease that troubles the patients, traffic and housing problems in almost every metropolis are what governments must address without any delay. But, how can we cope with these problems? One theory claims that big companies and factories should be moved to rural areas. Although it sounds plausible, the theory is not essentially flawless.

  Admittedly, transferring big companies and factories into rural areas does reduce the pressure in the urban area to some extent. However, it is completely wrong to attribute city housing and traffic problems to big companies and factories. Why? The area that big factories and companies occupy usually accounts for less than 15% of the whole city-state. e Hence, big companies and factories contribute little to housing and traffic problems. Moreover, the number of the employees of big companies and factories is not large enough to give rise to traffic and housing problems.

  In addition, to move big companies and factories cannot solve the housing and traffic problems completely. In fact, it harms rather than helps city economic development by shifting the problems from the city to the countryside. once the big companies and factories are moved to the suburbs, schools, banks, hospitals, raw material suppliers and the like will also stream into the countryside. When the system becomes flooded, a new city comes into being. Then, the old problems would reappear in the “new city”. In addition, it is these big companies and factories that trigger and lead the city's economic development. To remove them, products and services arc expensive. Hence, to move them to the countryside makes little sense.

  In summary, I do not agree that big companies and factories should be moved to the solve the problem more effectively and efficiently, governments and scholars should considerit more insightfully and seriously.   【范文译文】



  【亮点句型】   like a disease that troubles the patients, sth. is what governments must addresswithout delay
  Like a disease that troubles the patients, traffic and housing problems in almost everymetropolis are what governments must address without any delay.

  it is completely wrong to attribute A to B
  However, it is completely wrong to attribute city housing and traffic problems to bigcompanies and factories.

  sth. contributes little to sth.
  Hence, big companies and factories contribute little to housing and traffic problems.
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