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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-13 04:28:58  浏览次数:20
核心提示:  关于售后服务的商务英语情景对话。“商务英语”是商务和英语的结合,商务英语交流总是带着一定的目的并要达成一定的结果。
  A: What about our claim?   B: Our shopping manager is looking into it.   A: When will we hear something from him?   B: Oh, in just two day or three, I think.   C: Here is the final settlement for your claim.   A: Thanks, we appreciate the so fast work.   C: We hope we won't have this kind of problem again. A: That goes for us too.
  A:我们的赔偿怎么样啦?   B:我们的货运经理正在调查这件事。   A:什么时候会有消息呢?   B:哦,我想就这两三天吧。   C:你的赔偿问题终于解决了。   A:谢谢你们这么快就办好了。   C:我们希望不会再有这样的事情发生了。   A:我们也是这么希望的。
  A: Here is your bill. Please pay at the cashier's desk. Here are the invoice and guarantee. Please keep them careful-ly. If something does go wrong with the refrigerator, this guarantee will provide you with free service and parts.   B: Good. When will the guarantee expire?   A: It's good for two year. Our service branches are all over the city. You may go to the nearest one to register it with-in a month. And your information will be stored in the computer.   B: It is very expensive to pay for repairing after the expiration of the guarantee, isn't it?   A: No, we charge for the replacement parts only. But judging from our past sales, I'd say you have little need to call on our guarantee. You'll find this product extremely strong and dependable.   B: That would be fine. Thank you.
  A:这是您的账单,请去收银台付款。这是发票和保修单,请保管好。万一冰箱出了毛病,您凭保修单可享受免费维修服务。   B:很好。保修单什么时候过期?   A:有效期为两年。全市都有我们的维修点,1个月内请到附近的维修点办理维修手续。您的资料将储存在电脑里。   B:保修期过了以后。维修费贵吗?   A:不贵,我们只收取零件费。但从过去我们所售出的产品来看,您倒不需要担心修理问题,您会发现这种产品是非常耐用和可靠的。   B:那很好,谢谢你。
  A: Anything I can do for you?   B: I've come to have my TV set repaired.   A: When did you buy it from this department store?   B: One year ago, and here is the receipt.   A: OK, what's wrong with your TV set?   B: You can never get a good picture on this set, it gets bad reception.   A: That being the case, the repair would be rather complex.   B: Do you mean it can't be repaired?   A: No, it's not that serious. I only mean it will take a long time to repair It.   B: Is it necessary to change some parts?   A: I guess it is.   B: Is there a charge for it?   A: No, there is no charge, this type of TV set has a two year guarantee free of charge.   B: Then when will it be ready?   A: At least in two weeks.   B: Well, I will come to take it then.
  A:有什么事情需要帮助吗?   B:我是来修理电视机的。   A:你是什么时候在我们百货商店买的呢?   B:一年前买的,这是发票。   A:好的,你的电视机有什么毛病?   B:图像总是不清晰。接收效果不好。   A:如果是那样的话,修理工作就相当复杂了。   B:你是说不能修好了吗?   A:不,还没那么严重,我的意思是修理时间较长。   B:是不是需要换一些零件?   A:我想是的。   B:要收费吗?   A:不,不收费,这种电视机有2年免费保修期。   B:那么什么时候能修好呢?   A:至少要两周的时间吧。   B:好的。两周后我来取。
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