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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-12 15:13:21  浏览次数:28
核心提示:  关于服饰的雅思作文范文|模板,越来越多的人不再穿他们的民族服饰,世界各地的衣服看起来几乎是一样的。你认为这是一个积极的还是消极的发展?一起来看:关于服饰的雅思作文范文|模板。
  WRITING TASK 2   You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.   Write about the following topic:   Nowadays, more and more people don't wear their national clothes, and the clothes look almost the same all over the world. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?   Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.
  【考题解释】   如今,越来越多的人不再穿他们的民族服饰,世界各地的衣服看起来几乎是一样的。你认为这是一个积极的还是消极的发展?   文章结构
  【高分范文】   Nowadays with the development of world economy and the rapid progress of globalization, there is a tendency that an increasing number of people do not wear their national costumes. People, especially the youngsters, are more likely tochoose exotic dress; they pursue similar clothes popular in other countries,which makesthe clothes seem almost the same worldwide.
  There are some positive effects ofchoosing similar and foremost, the fact thatpeople tend to choose the same clothesshows the advancement ofcultural communications among countries,which can promoteunderstanding of people from different , it indicates that people are more open-minded to foreign things than before,which is a symbol ofprogress in general consciousness.
  However, there are certain negative influences that we can not neglect. To begin with, the growing tendency of pursuing the same or similar clothes may result in the disappearance of national clothes which are the great wealth of a , once they get lost, it will be impossible or difficult to find them out , it is easy to cause a misunderstanding in people's idea about fashion. They will just copy or learn from foreigners blindly and overlook their own characteristics.
  To sum up, there are some good points inpursuing similar clothes in our society,but we cannot neglect the negative aspects at the same time. So it is suggested thatpeople absorb the wonderful part of other countries' clothesand meanwhilekeep the national garments, which are the valuable treasure of their nation.
  【范文译文】   如今,随着世界经济的发展和全球化的快速进程,有一种倾向,那就是越来越多的人不再穿他们的民族服装了。人们,尤其是年轻人,更倾向于选择国外的服饰,他们追求在其他国家流行的类似服装,这使得全世界的衣服看起来几乎相同。
  雅思作文备考通用框架   Nowadays with the development of world economy and the rapid progress of globalization, there is a tendency that an increasing number of people do not wear their national costumes. People, especially the youngsters, are more likely to_________, which makes _________.
  There are some positive effects of _________. First and foremost, the fact that _________shows the advancement of_________ , which can promote _________. Besides, it indicates that _________, which is a symbol of_________ .
  However, there are certain negative influences that we can not begin with,_________ . However,_________ . Furthermore, sum up, there are some good points in , but we cannot neglect the negative aspects at the same time. So it is suggested that and meanwhile .
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