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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-12 14:57:35  浏览次数:29
核心提示:  关于生活方式的雅思作文范文|模板,现代化的生活方式使许多人很难过上积极而健康的生活。这是由什么因素导致的呢?一起来看:关于生活方式的雅思作文范文|模板。

  WRITING TASK 2   You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.   Write about the following topic:   Modern lifestyles make it hard for many people to lead active and healthy lives.   What are the factors contributing to that?   What do you suggest the governments and other large companies should do to help them do more exercise?   Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.
  【考题解释】   现代化的生活方式使许多人很难过上积极而健康的生活。   这是由什么因素导致的呢?   如何建议政府和其他大公司来帮助他们多做运动呢 ?   文章结构
  【高分范文】   Nowadays, owing to the modern lifestyles, many people become increasingly busy and have no time to do exercise, which results intheir overstress and unhealthy daily is crucial that we analyze the causes of this disturbing problem and explore the effective solutions.
  There are various factors that lead to the situation. Firstly, with the acceleration of modernization process and the development of urbanization, there is a tendency thatan increasing number of people live a fast-paced life and they put in much effort and time on have towork overtime to finish the abundant and trivial work,which meansthey have little spare time to relax or , we cannot forget a universal truth thatwhen they are free, many people usually prefer to stay at home, watching TV or surfing on the Internet, rather than going outside to do exercise the long term, people become obese and slack,which is extremely detrimental to boththeir physicalandmental health.
  I strongly suggest thatthe governmentsandbig companiesspare no effort to settle the challenge. In the first place, the authoritiesshouldallocate more money for setting up fitness facilities in communitiesand thenencourage people to do more entertaining and body-building the second place, the companiesshouldreduce their employees' physical and mental stress by improving efficiencyandarrange some holidays when necessary. And some sports games should also be held occasionally in the company and the workers should be encouraged to take part actively.
  To sum up, healthis vital should try our best tohave an active and healthy lifestyle. The governmentsandlarge companiesshould also shoulder their responsibilities tomake people live and work more comfortably and I believe with the joint efforts fromindividuals, companiesandgovernments,this problem can be eventually resolved.
  【范文译文】   如今,由于现代化的生活方式,许多人变得越来越忙,没有时间做运动,这导致了他们压力过大和不健康的日常生活。分析这个令人困扰的问题产生的原因并找出有效的解决办法是很关键的。
  Nowadays, owing to the modern lifestyles, many people become increasingly busy and have no time to do exercise, which results in_________ . It is crucial that we analyze the causes of this disturbing problem and explore the effective solutions.
  There are various factors that lead to the situation. Firstly, with the acceleration of modernization process and the development of urbanization, there is a tendency that _________. They have to_________ , which means_________ . Secondly, we cannot forget a universal truth that_________ . In the long term,_________ , which is extremely detrimental to both_________ and_________ .
  I strongly suggest that _________and _________spare no effort to settle the challenge. In the first place, _________should _________and then . In the second place, should_________ and .
  To sum up,_________ is vital for_________ . We should try our best to should also shoulder their responsibilities to_________. And I believe with the joint efforts from _________, _________and_________ , this problem can be eventually resolved.
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