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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-10 17:57:57  浏览次数:28
核心提示:  关于电脑与教师的雅思作文范文,科技进步极大的促进教学的发展,很多知识你可以从物联网上获取,那么关于电脑与教师问题你怎么看?以下就是深圳英语小编为您整理的关于电脑与教师的雅思作文范文。

  【题目分析】   Com

  【题目分析】   Computers are increasingly used in which areas do you think computers are more important and in which areas are teachers more important?(考题重现:)。   核心词汇:computer and education。   文章结构:辩论型对称式话题。
  As computers have become common tools in school's education, the debate about which is more vital, teachers or computers, has been discussed indifferent , teachers play more vital roles in morality and personality education, and computers play more fundamental roles in information and technology education.
  It is quite essential for a student to make full use of high-tech stuff like computers and the Internet to select countless information, which can never be provided by a single teacher through out his lifetime. Namely, the computer and the Internet enable people to find anything relevant to their subjects as well as their hobbies. In addition, it is the Internet that establishes a platform on which both students and teachers can communicate with each other freely without limitation.
  More importantly, education is not all about teaching some tricks or imparting knowledge, but it is the key to find one's deep soul hiding in his heart.
  What teachers have done is like a digger who first sets a good example for all students to imitate, for which pupils call most teachers spiritual tutor.
  Obviously, teachers have great influence on students' personality shaping. On the other teachers can never be replaced because hand,of the interaction between students and lecturers, which is the most efficient way to learn something new.
  Therefore, it is really hard to tell which part is more vital for students at school. To make aconclusion, teachers are more important, for they are originators of education, but computers are just fancy tools with manifest functions. As a saying goes, “Educating the mind without touching the heart is no education at all.” Teachers are leaders and guides in modern education.

  【亮点词汇】   fundamental adj.重要的   essential adj.重要的   high一tech adj.高科技的   1 imitation n.限制   digger n.挖掘者   imitate 模仿   spiritual adj.精神的   tutor n.导师   originator n.原创者   fancy adj.花哨的

  【句型为基】   1 .A Plays a role in B Plays a role in sth   A起到什么作用,B起到什么作用。   personally, teachers Play more vital roles in morality and Personality education,and computers Play more fundamental roles in information and technology education.
  2 .it is quite essential for A to do can never be Provided by B.   重要的是A去做某事,这是B无法提供的。   It is quite essential for a student to make full use of high一tech stuff like computers and the Internet to select countless information,which can never be Provided by a single teacher through out his、 lifetime.
  3 . not all about A,but it is the key to do   B某事不仅仅是关于A的,而且也是B的关键。   More importantly, education is not all about teaching some tricks or imparting knowledge,but it is the key to find one's deep soul hiding in his heart.
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