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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-09 15:38:10  浏览次数:20
核心提示:  买衣服情景对话英语
  Buying clothes for the others   Salesgirl: Hello!Can I help you?   Falcon: Well, I am looking for
  Buying clothes for the others   Salesgirl: Hello!Can I help you?   Falcon: Well, I am looking for some winter clothes for my fiancee.   Salesgirl: Oh,it's the high time for your purchasing in our clothes shop.   We are now having a preseason sale on all our winter apparel.   Falcon: Really? What's that?   Salesgirl: Everything for winter is 20% off.   Falcon: I think my fiancee may favor the sweater in the shop window. Would you like to help me look for any skirts that go with this sweater?   Salesgirl: Sure, we have both skirts and trousers that would look well with the sweater. Look at this section.   Falcon: I especially like this flowery skirts. My fiancee will look very elegant in this.   Salesgirl: You have a good taste. It's very much in style this year.   Falcon: I don't think the green one fits her complexion. Do you have any skirts in light color or tan?   Salesgirl: Look on the rack to the right.   Falcon: Oh, yes. I'll take this one. Can I pay by traveler' s check?   Salesgirl: It's ok.   为别人买衣服   Salesgirl:你好!需要帮忙吗?   Falcon:哦,我想为我的未婚妻买点冬季的衣服。   Salesgirl:噢,您来得正是时候。我们的冬衣正在进行季前清售。   Falcon:是吗?能说说看吗?   Salesgirl:每件冬季单品都降价20%.   Falcon:我觉得我未婚妻应该会喜欢橱窗里的毛衣。可以帮我挑选一下和这件毛衣搭配的裙子吗?   Salesgirl:可以。裙子、裤子都有和这件毛衣可以搭配的。看看这个。   Falcon:我喜欢华丽一点的裙子。我未婚妻穿上这个应该会很优雅。   Salesgirl:您真有品位。这是今年流行的。   Falcon:我觉得绿色不适合她的皮肤。你们有浅一点的颜色或者棕褐色的吗?   Salesgirl:看看你右边的架子。   Falcon:哦,好的。我买这个,我可以用旅行支票付款吗?   Salesgirl:可以。   Typical Sentences典型句子   I am looking for some winter clothes my fiancee.我想为我的未婚妻买点冬季的衣服。   We are now having a preseason sale on for all our winter apparel.我们的冬衣正在进行季前清售。   Every thing for winter is 20% Off.每件冬季单品都降价20%。   Would you like to help me look for any skirts that go with this sweater?可以帮我挑选一下和这件毛衣搭配的裙子吗?   You have a good taste.您真有品位。   相关句子   01)I'd like a shirt.   我想买一件衬衫。   02) Which color do you think suit me best?   你认为我穿哪种颜色比较好看?   03)This color looks a bit too loud.   这颜色看起来有点太花俏了。   04)Do you have any other colors?   还有其他的颜色吗?   05) Does the color fade easily?   这种颜色容易褪色吗?   06)Is this the latest fashion?   这件是新款式吗?   07) What kind material is this made from?   这件衣服是什么料子的?   08) I' d like to try this on.   我想试试这件。   09)I want the small size.   我要小号的。   10) This is the right size.   这件尺寸正合适。

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