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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-04 09:01:16  浏览次数:19

  A: Mr. Clinton, as you requested, I've worked out a schedule for you. Would you like


  A: Mr. Clinton, as you requested, I've worked out a schedule for you. Would you like to run ovcr it to get it right?
  B: All right. Please go ahead, Miss Yang.

  A: Now, I've booked you on a flight for Madrid, leaving Beijing at 10 . on the 18th of June.
  B: When does it arrive?

  A: It arrives at 2:10 in the afternoon on the 18th. I've booked you in Sheraton Hotel for 4 nights till the 22nd. Then you leave Madrid at 14:50 and arrive in Copenhagen at 5:40 in the afternoon.
  B: Sorry, 5:40? Oh, no. I'm afraid that's not possible. We've got a meeting at 2:30 in the afternoon.

  A: In that case, Mr. Clinton, you have to leave Madrid the day before on the 21st on another flight. Now three nights in Madrid. You leave at 16:30 and arrive in Copenhagen at 19:20 in the evening.
  B: OK. 21st of June, leave Madrid at 16:30 and arrive at 19:20.

  A: Yes, correct.
  B: Where do I stay in Copenhagen?

  A: In Copenhagen, I've booked you also in Sheraton Hotel. Now, about your trip to Stockholm, I can't book you a flight from Copenhagen to Stockholm until the 26th.
  B: Well, it doesn't matter. I must be in Stockholm on the 25th in the morning. I think I can go there by train. How long does it take by train?

  A: about three and a half hours.
  B: Yes, I'll do that actually.

  A: In that case, stay 4 nights in Copenhagen. Now, in Stockholm, you stay for two nights in Shelton Hotel.
  B: Fine.

  A: Then, you can fly straight back to Beijing on 26th 3:10 in the afternoon, and arrive in Beijingat 9:30 in the morning on the 27th. I'll send you a final schedule this afternoon.
  B: Thank you, Miss Yang.
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