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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-04 08:56:17  浏览次数:26

  A: I see we've got a nice foundation for our project, but the technical problems are co


  A: I see we've got a nice foundation for our project, but the technical problems are considerable.
  B: You're right. We have a lot of hard work ahead.

  A: Shall we discuss technology transfer now?
  B: OK. If you want the product to compete successfully on the international market, you'll have to acquire advanced technology.

  A: Sure, and the imported technology should be of top class in the world.
  B: Excuse me, what does "technology" mean whenyou say "imported technology"?

  A: Naturally it does not only refer to industrial property,the know-how should also be included.
  B: We agree, but the know-how we promise to transfer is what we are adopting in our production. And you'll pay for it in the form of royalties apart from a certain initial down payment, right?

  A: Yes and no. We'll certainly pay for the imported technology. But we expect that for the duration of the joint venture, you will continue offering us your improved technological expertise without extra charges.
  B: Oh, no, we can't go that far. Surely you know thattechnology has a price tag. How could the achievements of our future research be committed in this agreement?

  A: Well, both of us should consider ourselves as partners. The higher the technology, the better the product. Your share is 40% of the registered capital of the JV. That means, nearly half of the profit would go to you.
  B: I admit there's something in what you say, but I must point out that technology itself creates value and needs to be compensated. Free transfer is out of the question.

  A: Let's suspend this discussion for the time being. We think that we are partners and share developments and costs fairly.
  B: OK, let's keep it.
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