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核心提示:ersation 01:Opening a savings account 开立银行账户 (T=teller C=customer) T:Good morning,Sir. May I help you? C:I w
ersation 01:Opening a savings account 开立银行账户 (T=teller C=customer) T:Good morning,Sir. May I help you? C:I want to open a deposit account with your hank. T:Thank you for choosing our bank. Usually we offer a current account and fixed account for individuals. What kind of account do you have in mind? C:I'd prefer a current one. T: Please fill in this application form,write down your name,address and the amount of deposit. C:How do I fill it out? T:Write the amount here and your name on the bottom line. I'll fill in the rest for you. By the way,you may open the account in your name only. Have you got the passport on you? C:Yes. This is my passport. T:All right. I'll process it for you right now. C:Is there any charge on current account? T: bank does not charge any fee for it. C:'s the minimum balance? T: must be at least one Yuan to open an account. C:All right. Here's one hundred Yuan. T:You may also input a secret code to ensure safety of your funds. C:A secret code? How many digits? T:Six digits. I mean six numbers. C:All right. Is that OK? T:Please input once again. C:Is that OK? T:Everything is right now. This is your passbook and please check it. Conversation 02:Opening a checking account开立支票账户 C:I want to open a checking account so that I can pay my bills by check. T:Please fill in this application form and sign your name on the bottom right-hand line. C:Here is the completed application form. T:Fine. Please show me your passport. C:Here it is. What' the minimum amount to open a checking account? T:One hundred Yuan. C:Fine. Here is one thousand Yuan. T:Everything is done. Here's your check book. C:Can I write out the check now? T:Yes,you can. But there is a service charge for each check you write out. C:I see. Thank you. T: Be careful not to bounce(退票、拒绝兑付)any checks.

How to(常用句型)
to greet the customer和客户打招呼 Good morning, Sir. How do you do? Nice to meet you. How nice to see you again.
2. How to make a reception接待客户 What can I do for you? Can/May I help you? Can I do anything for you? Is there anything I can do for you?
3. How to confirm the type of account确认账户类型 What kind of account do you have in mind? What sort of account do you like/prefer?
4. How to ask the client to present his or her credential politely请求客户出示证件 Would you mind showing your passport? May I have your passport,please? Could you please present your passport? May I have a look at your passport? Do you have any valid credentials on you? Do you bring the ID card with you? Have you got the passport with you? Passport,please.

5. How to make the requirement for initial deposit.低起存额的要求 The minimum amount is one Yuan. One Yuan is the minimum balance. You have to deposit a initial amount of 50 dollars. We set no balance limit on this business. You should make your initial deposit of 100 dollars.
6. How to enquire in terms of charges询问费用 How much does your hank charge for this kind of service? Is there any charge on current account? Do 1 need to pay any charge for a checking account? How about the annual fee for credit card? How much does each account cost?
7. How to confirm the service charge明确服务费 It is(provided) free of charge. Our hank does not charge any fee for it. It is our practice to charge the annual fee to the customer. There's no service charge for the savings account.
8. How to ask the customer to input the password请输入密码 press the button on this machine to enter your PIN for six digits. in a six-digit password. your secrete code for six numbers.
9. How to ask the customer to make the signature请客户签名 Please sign your name here,on this dotted line. Please sign here. Please make your signature on the bottom right-hand line. Please sign again on the reverse side.
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