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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-02 17:20:50  浏览次数:55
核心提示:  少儿英语故事:Three Little Pigs and a Big Wolf三只小猪和狼

  The mother pig gave birth to three little they were very y
  少儿英语故事:Three Little Pigs and a Big Wolf三只小猪和狼

  The mother pig gave birth to three little they were very young,theyshould dePend on mother Pig,when they grewuP,they should look after themselves.   The first Pig built a strone house.   The seeond Pig built a wood house.   The third Pig built a stone house·   One day,a wolfeame to the strone house.“Little Pig,oPen the door!1 anl yourbrother.”   “No,no you are a big bad wolf”   Then the woIf was angry and blew down the stra first Pig ran to theWood hollse。   The wolf eanle to the wood house,   “L ittle Pig,oPen the door!1 am your brother.”   “No,no you are a big bad wolf”   The big bad wolfwas 50 angry,he blew down the wood two Pigs ran tothe stone house.   The wolf eame and blew the stone blew and blew,but he did not blowdown the stone elimbed to the roof and junlPed to the ehimney.   There was a big Pot of hot water on the wolf fell into the Pot!“Ah!”   the wolf died.   Three little Pigs were very haPPy·
  三只小猪和狼   从前,猪妈妈生了三只小猪,在它们很小时,需要依靠猪妈妈,当他们长大了,它们要照顾自己。   第一只小猪找到一些好的稻草,他盖了一座漂亮的草房子。   第二只小猪盖了一座木头房子。   第三只小猪盖了一座石头房子。   一天,一只大坏狼来到草房子前,他非常饿。   “小猪,开开门,我是你兄弟。”   “不,不!你是大坏狼。”   然后愤怒的狼就把草屋吹倒了,第一只小猪非常快地逃到了木头房子里。   接着大坏狼来到了木头房子前,   “小猪,开开门,我是你兄弟。”   “不,不!你是大坏狼。”他是如此地生气,把木头房子也吹倒了。两只小猪于是一起逃到了石头房子里面。   大坏狼又来吹石头房子,他吹呀吹,可是石头房子特别结实,什么事情都没有发生。大坏狼虽然很生气,但他没有灰心,他爬上了屋顶并从烟囱往下跳。   在烟囱下面的火炉上有一锅水。三只小猪用大火把水烧得很烫。   狼掉进了锅里!“啊!”狼被烫死了。   三只小猪非常快乐。
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