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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-05-31 18:13:46  浏览次数:31
核心提示:Report Dear Director,   In accordance with your verbal instructions, I have carefully checked the bulldozer recent
Report Dear Director,   In accordance with your verbal instructions, I have carefully checked the bulldozer recently handed over to us by the Rogers Machine Building Co., and found that everything is in perfect condition, except one of wheels, which does not move smoothly.   It seems necessary that the Rogers Company be called upon to repair or replace the defective wheel before the bill is paid.   Please let me know your decision and give me further instructions.   Yours truly,   Oven Parson。 [注]   ① verbal instructions:口头指示。   ②bulldozer:推土机。    FROM: Public Relations Manager TO: General Manager DATE : 15th June. 2009   REPORT ON THE ENGLISH STANDARD OF OUR PROMOTIonAL MATERIALS   1. Terms of Reference   According to your instructions as of 10th May 2009, to report onthe English standard of our promotional materials, including brochures, leaflets, speeches and advertisements and to make recommendation.   2. Procedures   150 pieces of promotional materials were examined. They include50 brochures, 40 leaflets, 30 speeches and 30 advertisements.   Each pieces of material was assigned a grade according to their content, language read-ability and grammatical accuracy.   3. Findings   only 20 pieces of articles were classified as excellent, 40 pieces as good and 60 as acceptable, the rest, 30, were regarded as below standard and unclassified.   4. Conclusion。   It is clear that the English proficiency of our marketing staff is far from satisfactory.   5. Recommendations。   based on the above findings, I recommended that:   (1)Set up a special course designed to develop writing skills for all marketing staff. Special emphasis should be placed on promotional materials.   (2)Subscribe to an English editing house with experienced editors to do English polishing and basic edits on the abovementioned materials.   If you think these ideas are feasible, I would be glad to assist in implementing the programme. [注]   promotional materials:宣传品.   language read-ability:语言的可读性。   Subscribe to an English editing house with experienced editors to do English polishing and basic edits on the above mentioned material.   聘请有英语编辑经验的编辑服务公司替我们润饰这些宣传材料。
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