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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2021-11-25 10:18:01  浏览次数:22


  I think it's reasonable for parents to limit children's use of social media. The internet is rife with all kinds of eye catching contents. Children without enough self-discipline are likely to get glued to the screen. Therefore, their attention spans might be shortened. With short attention spans, children cannot concentrate. Given that children may use social media in problematic ways, their social media use should be limited.
  I think it is reasonable for graduate students to teach some courses. The best way to learn is to teach. I mean learning by teaching others is very effective. In order to impart knowledge in a systematic way, graduate students have to do a lot of preparations. During the process, they can delve deep into the courses they teach. Since graduate students who teach have to repetitively retrieve what they have learned, they can form long-lasting memories of knowledge.
  I prefer to watch entertainment movies like comic movies. Well, you know modern people feel stressed. People from all walks of life have to deal with peer pressure. In fact, watching movies is a good way for people to release the pressure. Moreover, many entertainment movies are full of imagination. When watching such movies, viewers can explore the world as the movie characters do.
  I prefer to go to museums with my friends. I think this allows us to find common topics. For example, last month I visited a history museum with my friends. We inspected well-made anticques and marveled at their beauty. When we returned, we exchanged our opinions about the experience. I enjoyed chatting with my friends.
  Should parents discourage children from choosing some majors which might not be very competitive to find a job in the future, like singing or painting?
  I think parents should discourage children from choosing majors which are not competitive in the job market. Nowadays, the competition among human workers is very intense. And human workers are afraid that they might be made redundant by artificial intelligence. Under this situation, it is necessary for workers to be equipped with practical skills which are needed in the job market. So it's reasonable for parents to discourage children from choosing majors like singing and painting.

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