终于领会英语等级考试三级写作模拟练习题分享 英语四六级


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终于领会英语等级考试三级写作模拟练习题分享 英语四六级

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  Write an essay of 160-200 words bas

  Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing.In your essay,you should:
  1.describe the drawing briefly,
  2.explain its intended meaning,and then
  3.state your point of view.
  The picture reveals two foreigners who are concentrating on practicing Chinese calligraphy.The woman is holding the brush in a very standard posture,while the Chinese character she wrote is of high aesthetic value.Clearly,she has mastered a high level of this mystical Chinese art.
  The picture aims to remind us that Chinese art,with its diversified elements,is drawing enthusiastic attention from the rest of the world.For instance,the western society finds Chinese kong fu enthralling,which is particularly mirrored by the popularity of kong fu movies.Meanwhile,the world has also been conquered by Chinese tai chi,as well as traditional Chinese music,painting,calligraphy,and architecture.Even traditional Chinese medicine is gaining a steadily increasing recognition with its holistic perspective in treating diseases and maintaining health.More importantly,foreign interest in Chinese culture no longer is not only about appreciation of the surface,but they commence to explore the essence the civilization.
  From a personal point of view,I am delighted to witness the prevalent circulation of Chinese culture.For one thing,the mood derives from a national pride that we can contribute enormously to the diversity of global culture.For another,Chinese art provides a great platform for people home and abroad to create friendships across countries.

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