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  英语六级满分作文:Advertisement on

  英语六级满分作文:Advertisement on TV电视广告 A woman takes a stained clothing item to a smartly dressed man who then washes the stainaway with miracle was hing powder. The immediate response from the woman is that thisbrand of washing powder is indeed superior to all other brands. Such is one of the typicalcommercial ads that are repeatedly shown on TV every evening. Towards this, people holddifferent attitudes.
  Those who maintain positive opinions believe that TV ads help to bring into public view a gooddeal of news, mostly commercial, which might otherwise have remained unknown. Those whohate TV ads say that most of the ads, especially their repetition, have reached the point ofirritation and they are just a waste of time. In my opinion, both views are lop-sided. On the one hand, TV ads, in the form of a rtisticpictures, are presented in such a fantastic way and with such witty language that they notonly seduce customers to buy their products, but also give people enjoyment. On the otherhand, not all ads are trustworthy. A certain number of them are deceitful.
  To sum up, ads seek to influence our decisions and tell us what to do usually with the aimbehind them being to enrich some business. To resist this influence so as to make wisedecisions, we must rely on our own judgement and ability to reason. CET6结构分析: ·Introduction * A typical example * People's different attitudes

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