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  Read the instructions(说明书) of JOYOUNG Soybean Milk Blender

  Read the instructions(说明书) of JOYOUNG Soybean Milk Blender and learn to make soybean (黄豆) milk.
  1.Take a small cup of soybeans and wash them clean.
  2.Put the soybeans into water for 4~6hours.
  3.Put the soybeans into the blender.
  4.Pour water into the blender until the water is near the water line.
  5.Turn on the blender.
  6.( 20minutes later) The blender beeps (发出哔哔声) to tell soybean milk is ready.
  7.Turn off the blender.Pour out soybean milk from the blender.
  31.After reading the passage,you can make
  A.a milk shake
  B.milk tea
  C.soybean milk
  D.orange juice
  32.How many soybeans do we need?
  A.A big cup.
  B.A small cup
  C.Four cups.
  D.Six cups.
  33.How long do you have to put soybean into water?
  A.about five hours.
  B.Less than four hours.
  C.More than six hours.
  D.All day.
  34.How much water do you need to make soybean milk?
  A.A cup of water.
  B.Some water.
  C.Not much,not little.
  D.Until the water is near the water line.
  35.How long does the blender work to make soybean milk?
  A.Ten minutes.
  B.about thirty minutes.
  C.about twenty minutes.
  D.Half an hour.
  31.答案:C.细节理解题.根据第一行Read the instructions(说明
  书) of JOYOUNG Soybean Milk Blender and learn to make soybean (黄豆) milk.阅读九阳豆浆机说明书,学会制作豆浆.可知,读这篇文章之后,你会制造"豆浆",选C.
  32.答案:B.细节理解题.根据说明中第一点Take a small cup of soybeans and wash them clean.拿一小杯黄豆,把它们洗干净.可知,应该是"一小杯",选B.
  33.答案:A.细节理解题.根据说明中第二点Put the soybeans into water for 4~6hours.将大豆放入水中4至6小时.可知,应该是"大约五小时",选A.
  34.答案:D.细节理解题.根据说明中第四点Pour water into the blender until the water is near the water line水倒进搅拌器直到水靠近水线.可知,应是直到水靠近水线.选D.
  35.答案:C.细节理解题.根据说明第六点( 20minutes later) The blender beeps (发出哔哔声) to tell soybean milk is ready.(20分钟后)搅拌器的哔哔声告诉豆浆准备好了.可知,搅拌机能工作大约20分钟.选C.

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