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  PART 1
  1. Do you often watch films/movies?
  2. Did you ofen watch films/movies when you were a kid?3. Are there any differences between the films/movies you watched now and the ones you watched when you were a child?4. Do you prefer watching films/movies alone or with friends?
  5. What kind of movies do you like?
  6. Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema?
  A Film To Watch Again?穿越星际去找答案!
  Drinking water
  1. Do you like drinking water?2. Which one do you prefer, tap water or bottled water, why?
  3. How often do you drink water?
  4. What kinds of water do you like to drink?
  5. Do you drink bottled water or water from water machines?
  Morning Routine
  1.Do you usually do the same things in the mornings?2.Do you think breakfast is important?3.Did you do the same morning routines in your early ages?4.Do you want to change your daily routines in the future?
  5.What do you do in the mornings?
  6.Is breakfast important?
  7.What is your morning routine?
  8.Do you like to get up early in the morning?
  1. Which season do you like the most?2. Do people do the same sports in different seasons?3. What kind of weather do you like?
  4.Do you prefer dry or wet weather?
  5.What kind of weather do you like most?
  6.What’s your favourite season?
  7.What kind of weather is typical in your hometown?
  口语讲堂第96期:weather and seasons
  1.Do you prefer fashionable shoes or comfortable ones?2. Do you have a favorite pair of shoes?3. Do you buy shoes online?4. How often do you buy shoes (online)?5. What kind of shoes do you like most?6.Did you have any special shoes to wear when you were a child?
  7.How often do you buy shoes?
  8.Have you ever bought shoes online?
  9.Do you know anyone who likes to buy a lot of shoes?
  10.What’s your favourite type of shoes?
  1. Do you like cooking?2. Why do some people enjoy cooking?3. Have you cooked anything special?
  4. Have you ever cooked?
  5. Do you like cooking?
  6. Do you want to learn how to cook?
  7. Is it difficult to cook Chinese food for you?
  1.What is your favorite color ?2. When you were a child, which color did you like the most?3. When buying a car, do you think the color is very important?
  4. Do you like dark colors?
  5. Are there any colors you dislike?
  6. Do you usually wear clothes in your favorite color?
  9-12月新题 | 口语讲堂第59期:Colors
  1. Do you like to watch sports on TV?2. Do you play any sport?3. Do you have a favorite sports star?4. What kinds of sports are popular in your country?5. What kinds of sports would you like to try in the future?6. Do you want to attend Olympic Games?
  口语讲堂第14期:Swimming / Sports
  1. What’s the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?2. Can you compare the advantages and disadvantages of planes and trains?3. When was the last time you took a taxi?4. What do you think of the transport in your city?5. Do you think it is important to learn driving?
  6. Why did you choose that form of transport?
  7. What form of transport do you usually use?
  8. What vehicles (or, what means of transport) do people in China most often choose to use?
  9. What will become the most popular means of transportation in China?
  10. What do you think of the transport situation in your hometown?
  11. Would you say transport costs are high in your hometown?
  12. How has the transport system in your hometown changed in the past few decades?
  1. Do you like wearing sunglasses?2. How often do you wear sunglasses?3. Which type of sunglasses do you like?4. Have you ever lost any sunglasses?5. Will you buy sunglasses as a gift?6. Will you buy expensive sunglasses?
  7. Where can you buy sunglasses?
  8. Do people in your country wear sunglasses?
  1. Do you like taking pictures or painting?2. What pictures and drawings are you interested in?3. Do you think photos are better than paintings? why?4. Would you like others to draw a picture of you?
  5. What do you know about paintings?
  6. Have you learned drawing or painting?
  7. Is it important to hang picture at home?
  8. What kind of paintings do you like?
  1. Do you like parks or gardens?2. Do you like indoor parks or open space?3. Is there any change you think need to make to the park you often visit?
  4. Are public parks important in China?
  5. Are there many public gardens in China?
  6. Do you think there are enough public gardens or parks in your hometown?
  7. What do you think are the benefits of having gardens in the city?
  8. Why do people who live in cities like public gardens?
  1-4月考题继续!口语讲堂第42期:Park/public garden
  1. Do you like the city you are living in now?
  2. Which city have you been to recently?
  3. Do you prefer the city or the countryside?
  4. What kind of cities do you like?
  5. Which city do you want to go to?
  1. What do you do?2. Why did you choose to do that type of work?3. Do you like your job?4. What is the most challenging thing in your job?
  5. Do you miss being a student?
  1. What is your major?2. Do you like your subject?3. Why did you choose to study that subject?4. Is it interesting?
  5. What subjects are you studying?
  6. Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the afternoon?
  7. Are you looking forward to working?
  口语讲堂第84期:study efficiency
  1.What is your hometown?2. Is that a big city or a small place?3. What do you like (most) about your hometown?4. Is there anything you dislike about it?5. Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?
  6. Please describe your hometown a little.
  7. How long have your lived there?
  8. Do you plan to continue living there for a long time?
  9. Where would you like to live?
  1. Where do you live?2. How long have you lived there?3. Do you think the place you live is a good place for families with kids?4. Do you plan to live there for a long time?5. What do you usually do in your home?
  6. Can you describe the place where you live?
  7. What is the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past?
  8. Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?
  9. In the future, what type of place would you like to live in ?
  10. What kind of neighbourhood/environment/ surroundings/ home would you like to live in?
  11. What do you usually do I your house/flat/room?
  12. Which room does your family spend most of the time in?
  13. What part of your home do you like the most?
  14 Are the transport facilities to your home very good?
  口语讲堂第7期:Ideal Home
  新题解析 | 口语讲堂49期:Photo in your home
  Foreign food
  1. Have you ever tried foreign food?2. Do you like to try new food?3. What kinds of new food have you tried recently?4. What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?5. Do you think old people like foreign food? Why?
  Being bored/Getting bored
  1. What will you do when you feel bored?2. When you were young, what would you do if you felt bored?3. What kinds of things are boring to you?4. Do you think young people get bored easily?
  Going Out
  1. When do you usually go out, in the daytime or in the evening?
  2. What do you always do when going out?
  3. Who do you usually like to hang out with?
  4. Do you like to go out with a big group or just few friends?
  1. What kind of holiday do you like?
  2. What do you like to do when you’re on holiday?
  3. Do you have many tourists in your country?
  4. Do you like holidays? Why / why not?
  5. Do you prefer to travel or stay at home during holiday periods? Why?
  6. What do most people do during their holidays in your country? Why?
  7. When do you prefer to take your holidays? Why?
  8. Who would you like to go on holiday with?
  9. Where do you plan to go for holiday in the future?
  1. Do you write many letters?2. Do you prefer to write letters by hand or to use a computer?3. What do you usually write about?4. Do you think people will still write letters in the future?
  5. Who do you usually write to?
  6. Is it hard to think of what to write?
  7. How do you feel when you receive a letter?
  1. Do you often use map?2. Who taught you how to use a map?3. Do you prefer electronic maps or paper maps?
  1. Do you like music? Why / why not?
  2. What kind of music do you listen to? Why?
  3. Has the music that you listen to changed since you were young?
  4. Do you think older and younger generations prefer different types of music?
  5. Do you play any instruments?
  6. Have you got any hobbies or interests?
  7. When do you listen to music?
  8. How much time do you spend on listening to music every day?
  9. What’s your favorite kind of music?
  10. Have you ever been to a concert before?
  1. Do you grow plants at home?2. What plants did you grow when you were younger?3. Do you know anything about growing a plant?4. Do people in your country send plants as gifts?
  口语讲堂第76期:fruit and vegetables
  1. Are you a punctual person?2. How do you remind yourself to be on time?3. Do you think it is important to be punctual?4. Why are some people always late?5. What would you do if you are waiting for someone?6. Do you think people these days are as punctual as in the past?
  口语讲堂第90期:Time management
  Rainy days
  1. Do you like rainy days?2. What do you do on rainy days? 3. Do you often change your plans because of weather?4. Do you prefer dry or wet living environment?
  5. Does it rain much in China? (Where? When?)
  6. Is there any part of China where it doesn’t rain much?
  7. When (in what month/season) does it rain most in your hometown?
  8. In which season does it rain most in other parts of China?
  9. Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavy in your hometown?
  Save money
  1. Did you save money when you were young?2. Do you save money now? How do you save money?3. Do you think saving money is very important?4. Do you think parents should teach children to save money?5. Do parents give children pocket money in China?
  1. Why do you like the teacher?2. Do you think you could be a teacher?3. Would you like to be a teacher?4. What kinds of teachers do you like?5. Do you think teachers should be angry at students or not?6. Do you like strict teachers?7. What’s the difference between young and old teachers?8. Is it important for teachers to interact with students frequently?9. What is the most important part in your study, teacher or classmates?
  10. Do you have a favorite teacher?
  11. Can you describe your high school teacher?
  1. Do you like travelling?2. Do you make plans before the trip?3. What is the most important thing about making plans?4.Where did you travel to in your latest trip?
  1-4月考题开讲!口语讲堂第33期:Travel by plane
  口语讲堂第102期:A foreign country/Travel
  新题解析 | 口语讲堂第45期:Special Trip!
  1. Who is your favorite celebrity in China?2. Do you like foreign celebrities?3. Would you like to be a celebrity in the future?4. In general, how do people become famous?5. Do you think, to be famous, a person needs to have some special talent or ability?6. Do you think we should protect famous people’s privacy?
  口语讲堂第60期:famous people/celebrity
  Dream job
  1. What was the dream job you had when you were a kid?2. Have you changed your mind on your dream job?3. What do you plan to do in the future?
  Space travel
  1. Do you want to travel in the outer space?2. What would you do if you had the chance?3. Do you think it’s necessary to see other planets?4. When was the last time you went travelling?5. Do you like travelling by air?
  A Film To Watch Again?穿越星际去找答案!
  Spare time
  1. What do you usually do in your spare time?2. Do you like to spend time with your family or friends?3. What do you and your family like to do in free time?4. Do you think you will spend more time with your family?
  口语讲堂第25期:A day off
  1. How often do you wear a watch?2. What was your first watch like?3. What kinds of watches do you like to wear?4. Do people still wear watches in your country?
  5-8月新题 | 口语讲堂第106期:Watch
  Part 2 & 3
  Describe a person you've never met but want to know more about
  You should say:
  Who this person is
  How you know this person
  Why you never meet this person
  And explain why you want to know this person.
  Part 3:
  What kinds of people do you like to be friends with?
  Do you prefer to expand your social circle or be friends with a small group of people?
  口语讲堂第20期:Person in the news
  1-4月考题开讲!口语讲堂第36期:person important to society
  口语讲堂第39期:Person in the news
  Describe a person you know who protects the environment
  You should say:
  who this person is
  what he or she does to protect the environment
  how difficult it is to do that
  and explain how you feel about the things this person does.
  Part 3:
  What is the importance of environment education?
  How to protect the environment?
  Is it important to teach students environmental protection at school?
  Do you think it is necessary to make environmental protection as a subject?
  口语讲堂第29期:Help environment
  Describe a teenager you know
  You should say:
  who he or she is
  how you got to know him or her
  what you usually do together
  and explain how you feel about him or her.
  Part 3:
  What’s the difference between teenagers and children?
  How do teenagers treat old people in your country?
  Do you think teenagers today are better than those 30 years ago?
  What are the differences between teenagers and old people?
  Describe an interesting person you would like to meet
  You should say:
  Who this person is
  What this person does
  Why you think this person is interesting
  And what you want to do with this person
  Part 3:
  Do you have many friends in your community?
  How do technology help on the relationship between people?
  Do people feel safe in China?
  Describe a book you recently read
  You should say:
  when and where you read this book
  what it was about
  why you read this book
  and explain how you felt about this book.
  Part 3:
  In your country, who would ask children to read, schools or parents?
  Do you prefer paper books or E-books?
  Do you think printed books will continue to exist?
  Do you think parents should continue reading?
  What kind of books do children read?
  Describe a gift to someone that you made by yourself
  You should say:
  what the gift was
  who you gave it to
  why you made the gift by yourself
  and explain how the other person reacted to this gift.
  Part 3:
  Have you received anything that were made by the giver?
  When receiving a gift, do you prefer something that was self-made, or something bought in stores?
  Which is better, self-better food or food that you buy?
  Describe an important plant in your country (such as fruits, flowers or vegetables) that you like
  You should say:
  what it is
  what it looks like
  where it grows
  and explain why you like it.
  Part 3:
  Do people in your country like to grow plants at home?
  Do old people grow plants?
  How do schools teach students to grow plants?
  What is the main plant in your country?
  口语讲堂第76期:fruit and vegetables
  Describe a film or TV program that makes you laugh
  You should say:
  When and whereyou watch it
  What type of film or TV program is
  What it talks about
  And explain why it makes you laugh
  Part 3:
  Why do children like to laugh?
  Is laughing beneficial to children, how about old people?
  What do you do when you feel sad?
  What kinds of things do Chinese people do to be happy?
  Do you think adults are likely to be happier than children?
  口语讲堂第19期:Educational TV program
  Describe something given to you that you really need
  You should say:
  Who gave you
  When and where it is given
  Why you need it
  And explain how you felt about it
  Part 3:
  What things do young people like to buy?
  Why do people buy things that are not necessary?
  What should parents do when their children ask for things their friends have?
  Is consumption important to a country?
  Describe an experience that you were scared
  You should say:
  When it was
  Where it was
  Why you felt scared
  And explain how you felt about it.
  Part 3:
  Is it ok to frighten others?
  How do people usually get frightened?
  Do children like to scare others?
  Why is it easy for some people to be scared?
  What should people do when they feel scared?
  Describe an important decision you made with the help of others
  You should say:
  what it was about
  who helped you make this decision
  what happened after the decision was made
  and explain how you felt about the decision.
  Part 3:
  Should we trust the advice given by stranger for making decisions?
  Who would like to make the decision, men or women?
  Who will be helpful when making decision in your country?
  Do you think it is advisable listening to others’ advice when making decision?
  When young people are to make a decision, should they listen to some advice?
  口语讲堂第108期:Decision making
  Describe a time someone gave you money as a gift
  You should say:
  who gave it to you
  when this person gave it to you
  what you did with the money
  and explain how you felt about this gift.
  Part 3:
  In your country, do parents give children money for doing housework?
  Is it important for children to have a right attitude towards money?
  What do you think of the saying:  love of money is the root of all evil?
  Is it important to teach children how to manage their pocket money?
  What kinds of occasions require people to send money as gifts?
  Describe an activity you do when you are alone in your free time
  You should say:
  what it is
  where you usually do it
  how often you do it
  and explain how you felt about doing this activity.
  Part 3:
  How do you usually plan your free time?
  Do young people in your country work longer hours now than in past?
  What are the advantages and disadvantages of flexible work time?
  口语讲堂第25期:A day off
  Describe a time you made a complaint and were satisfied with the result
  You should say:
  who you complained to
  what you complained about
  why you complained
  and explain how you felt about the result.
  Part 3:
  What products or services do people in your country like to complaint about?
  Would you buy things in the shops which you have made complaints before?
  Is it necessary for companies to set up customer service?
  Do you think customers’ complaints will improve products or services?
  Are there any disadvantages to set up customer service?
  Describe a game (not a sport) you enjoyed when you were a child
  You should say:
  what the game was
  when and where you played it
  how you played it
  and explain why you enjoyed this game.
  Part 3:
  What kinds of games do children play these days?
  Why do people play different kinds of games after they grow up?
  Do you think winning is the most important goal for playing games?
  Do parents in your country encourage children to play games?
  What kinds of games do children play at school?
  口语讲堂第四期:A Childhood Toy
  Describe a skill that took you a long time to learn
  You should say:
  what skill it was
  how long it took you to learn it
  how you learnt it
  and explain how useful the skill was.
  Part 3:
  What skills may take a long time to learn?
  Why would people spend a lot of time learning a new skill?
  Do people feel happy after they have learned a new skill?
  Why are some people unwilling to learn new skills?
  Do you think it takes a long time to learn a language?
  口语讲堂第104期:Learning things
  Describe a successful family business you know
  You should say:
  what kind of business it does
  how you got to know it
  what kind of customers they serve
  and explain how you feel about this family business.
  Part 3:
  What are the advantages and disadvantages of family business?
  How to be a successful businessman in your country?
  Do people in your country like to work for big companies or small companies?
  Do you think globalization is a positive development?
  口语讲堂第16期:Successful company
  口语讲堂第109期:big company
  Describe an interesting talk or lecture you heard recently
  You should say:
  when and where you heard it
  what the talk or lecture was about
  who gave the talk or lecture
  and explain why you think it was interesting.
  Part 3:
  What kinds of people will be invited to give a speech?
  In what occasion would you be a good listener?
  Is listening to speeches important to children?
  What is required to be a good public speakers?
  Will Chinese people feel nervous when it comes to public speaking?
  Describe an occasion that you borrowed something from friends or family members
  You should say:
  What the thing was
  When you borrowed it
  Whom you borrowed it from
  And explain why you borrowed the thing
  Part 3:
  Why do some people like to borrow things instead of buying them?
  What would you do if people don’t return the money they borrowed from you?
  Why are people embarrassed when they borrow money from others?
  What do you think of the sharing economy?
  Describe a good law in your country
  You should say:
  What it is
  How youknow it
  Who are affected
  And explain why it is good
  Part 3:
  What kind of people can become police officers?
  Do you think both men and women can be police officers?
  Is kindness the most important quality of a police officer?
  Do all Chinese people obey the law?
  Describe an occasion when a home appliance broke down or stopped working
  You should say:
  what the equipment was
  how it was broken
  how this affected your life
  and explain how you handled the situation.
  Part 3:
  What are the common home appliances that people use these days?
  Do you think modern technology makes people lazier?
  What can people do to protect their equipment from technical problems?
  When an electronic item of yours does not work, would you repair it or buy a new one?
  Are you good at handling problems on your own?
  Describe a time when you look for information on the Internet
  You should say:
  When it is
  How long it takes you
  What you look for
  And explain why you look for information on the Internet
  Part 3:
  What ways can people get information these days?
  What are the differences between getting information from library and getting information from newspaper?
  口语讲堂第91期:A website you like to visit
  Describe a second foreign language you would like to learn
  You should say:
  what it is and where it is spoken
  how you would learn it
  what difficulties you might have when learning it
  and explain why you would choose to study this language.
  Part 3:
  What can people do to learn a second language?
  Is it popular to learn English in your country?
  What are the difficulties of learning a new language?
  What’s the best way to learn a new language?
  Describe a time you received something you wanted
  You should say:
  what it was
  who gave it to you
  what you wanted it for
  and explain how you felt when you received it.
  Describe a time that you had some medicine
  You should say:
  When it happened
  Who gave it to you
  Why you had it
  And explain how you felt about it.
  Part 3:
  What do you think of buying medicine online?
  In your opinion, why do some people dislike taking medicine?
  Some people say medicine is harmful. Do you think so?
  What do you think of fake medicine?
  Describe a trip that you want to travel far from you
  You should say:
  When you want to do the trip
  How long it takes you
  Where you want to go
  And explain why you want to do this trip.
  Part 3:
  Where do Chinese people like to travel to?
  Do people in your country like to have holidays?
  What are the disadvantages of working overtime?
  What kinds of activities do people like to do for holidays?
  Why do some people prefer to stay at home during holidays?
  1-4月考题开讲!口语讲堂第33期:Travel by plane
  口语讲堂第102期:A foreign country/Travel
  新题解析 | 口语讲堂第45期:Special Trip!
  Describe a class/lecture that left you a deep impression
  You should say:
  When it was
  Who had it
  What it is about
  And explain why you had a deep impression.
  Describe the influence that primary school maths have on you
  You should say:
  Who taught you
  Where you learned it
  What you learned
  And explain how you are influenced by primary school maths.
  Describe how mobile phone makes a difference to your life
  You should say:
  When and where you get it
  How often you use it
  What you do with it
  And explain how it makes a difference to your life.
  口语讲堂第103期:Mobile Phones
  Describe a place you would like to travel to that is far away from your home
  You should say:
  where it would be
  how you would like to go there
  what you would do there
  and explain why you would like to go there.
  Part 3:
  Where do Chinese people like to travel to?
  Do people in your country like to have holidays?
  What are the disadvantages of working overtime?
  What kinds of activities do people like to do for holidays?
  Why do some people prefer to stay at home during holidays?
  1-4月考题开讲!口语讲堂第33期:Travel by plane
  口语讲堂第102期:A foreign country/Travel
  新题解析 | 口语讲堂第45期:Special Trip!
  Describe an indoor or outdoor place where you can study
  You should say:
  where it is
  when you usually go there
  why you go there
  and explain how you feel about this place.
  Part 3:
  Do you like to learn on your own or with others?
  Do you prefer to study at home or study in other places?
  What’s the difference between learning face-to-face with teachers and learning by yourself?
  口语讲堂第84期:study efficiency
  Describe a beautiful city you visited
  You should say:
  where it was
  what it was famous for
  how you got to know about the city
  and explain how you felt about this city.
  Part 3:
  Do you think having too many tourists is a positive thing for historical attractions?
  What can we do to stop visitors from damaging historical places?
  Are there more tall buildings than small flats in your country?
  Why do most Chinese live in apartments rather than houses?
  Why do some people like to visit historical places?
  Describe an interesting part of your country
  You should say:
  where it is
  how you got to know about it
  what it is famous for
  and explain why you think it is interesting.
  Part 3:
  What’s the difference between people living in the city and people living in the countryside?
  What’s the difference between big cities and small cities?
  What the difference between the north and south part of your country?
  What makes one country different from the other?
  Do you like living in big cities or small ones?
  Describe a famous comic actor in your country
  You should say:
  who the person is
  which film or program he or she acted in
  what role he or she acted
  and explain why you like him or her.
  Part 3:
  Should actors be paid more?
  What influences do actors or actress have on young people?
  Are there many Chinese who want to work as an actor?
  Can you name another comic actor in your country?
  Who are more popular in China,TV stars or movie stars?
  Describe a talkative person you know
  You should say:
  who he or she is
  how you got to know him or her
  what he or she likes to talk about
  and explain why this person talks a lot.
  Part 3:
  What communication skills are important?
  Are you talkative?
  Are most Chinese people talkative?
  What jobs need employees to be talkative?
  Should children be encouraged to talk more?
  Describe a childhood friend you remember well
  You should say:
  who he or she is
  when you became friends
  how you became friends
  and explain why you remember him or her well.
  Part 3:
  Is it important to have friends for children?
  Do you still keep in touch with friends in your childhood?
  For teenagers,do you think they should have lots of friends or just few good friends?
  Are teenagers more influenced by their peer or their parents?
  How would you maintain friendship with a friend who’s richer than you?
  Describe a magazine you like
  You should say:
  what it is
  when and how often you like to read it
  what the contents of the magazine are
  and explain why you like this magazine.
  Part 3:
  What kinds of magazines are the most popular?
  Do men like to read fashion magazines?
  Do people read magazines for fun or learning?
  Do you like to read news magazines?
  Do you think journalist are subjective in their reports?
  口语讲堂第58期:An interesting magazine
  Describe your first mobile phone
  You should say:
  when and where you got it
  who gave it to you
  what it looked like
  and explain what difference it made to your life.
  Part 3:
  For children, what age do you think is suitable to allow them to use cellphones?
  Is it popular for children to use cellphones in your country?
  What do teenagers in your country use cellphones for?
  What are the advantages/disadvantages of using cellphones?
  Why are many people addicted to apps?
  口语讲堂第103期:Mobile Phones
  Describe something you own that you want to replace
  You should say:
  what it is
  what you use it for
  how long you’ve had it
  and explain why you would like to replace it.
  Part 3:
  What are other things that you want to replace?
  What kinds of things do young people like to replace?
  Do old people in china like to hoard things?
  Who do you think will want new things , children or old people?
  What’s the difference between new things and old things?
  Describe a song that is meaningful to you
  You should say:
  what song it is
  when you first heard it
  what the song is about
  and explain why it is meaningful to you.
  Part 3:
  What type of songs is the most popular among today’s young people in china?
  Why do you think pop music is so popular?
  What kinds of songs do elders prefer?
  Why is square dancing music so loud?
  Has your preference in music changed over the years?
  口语讲堂第五期:A Childhood Song
  1-4月考题开讲!口语讲堂第37期:Special song
  Describe a website you visit a lot
  You should say:
  what the contents of this website are
  how you first found this website
  how often you go to visit this website
  and explain how this website helps you.
  Part 3:
  What are the reasons why people use the internet?
  Some people say that different age group s have different tastes on internet content ,what do you think?
  What influence can (or,dose) the internet have on children? And what about teenagers?
  Do you think parents should control what websites their children visit?
  What (kinds of) people don’t  use the internet and what are the disadvantages that these people suffer because they don’t use the internet?
  口语讲堂第91期:A website you like to visit
  Describe an interesting animal you like
  You should say:
  where you learned about this animal
  what it looks like
  where it lives
  and explain why you like this animal.
  Part 3:
  Have you seen any TV programs about animals?
  What should we do to protect endangered animals?
  Do you support doing experiment on animals ?
  Why do some people refuse to eat animals?
  What would happen when some species disappear on earth?
  Describe a time you lost something important
  You should say:
  what you lost
  how you lost it
  what you did after you lost it
  and explain how you felt about losing it.
  Part 3:
  What kinds of people may lose things often?
  What can we do to prevent losing important things?
  What would you do if you saw something valuable but didn’t belong to you on the street?
  What kinds of things have you lost so far?
  What do you usually do to look for lost item?
  Describe a time that you had to change your plan/ you changed your mind
  You should say:
  what the plan was
  why you changed it
  what you did instead
  and explain how you felt about changing the plan.
  Part 3:
  Do old people often change plans?
  Do young people like to change plans?
  What are the common reasons when people need to change plans?
  How would you tell your friends when you must change your plan?
  What kinds of plan are practical?
  口语讲堂第53期:A positive change
  Describe a trip you took by public transport
  You should say:
  when and where you went
  why you chose this form of transportation
  what you did or saw on the trip
  and explain how you felt about the trip.
  Part 3:
  In what ways can we fix traffic problems?
  Is fair to limit the use of private cars?
  Should government encourage people to use public transportation?
  What’s the most popular means of transportation in your country?
  Do you prefer public or private transportation?Why?
  1-4月考题开讲!口语讲堂第33期:Travel by plane
  Describe a time you were shopping in a street
  You should say:
  when it was
  where it was
  what you bought
  how you felt about the shopping experience
  Part 3:
  Where do you like to go shopping?
  Why do some people prefer street markets over shopping malls?
  Do you think the goods sold at discount stores do not have good values/qualities?
  Do you like shopping in big malls?
  Why do some people like to buy expensive goods?
  Describe a competition you would like to take part in
  You should say:
  what the competition is
  when and where it would take place
  what preparation you need to win this competition
  and explain why you would like to take part in it.
  Part 3:
  There are many competition programs on TV nowadays,why?
  Do you think competition is important at work places?
  What kinds of jobs or work should not involve competition?
  What kinds of competitions are popular in your hometown?
  What do you think of those who lose in a competitions?
  Describe an ideal vacation away from your home
  You should say:
  Where you would like to go
  When you would like to go
  Who you want to go with
  And explain why it is ideal for you
  新题解析 | 口语讲堂第45期:Special Trip!
  口语讲堂第102期:A foreign country/Travel
  Describe a recent event that made you happy
  You should say:
  what event it was
  when and where it happened
  what you saw or did
  and explain why this event was enjoyable.
  Part 3:
  What’s the relationship between money and happiness?
  Do you think money is important?
  Do most Chines people think that money is important?
  What do you do to make yourself happy?
  Why are children generally happier than adults?
  Describe a party you joined
  You should say:
  when and where it took place
  who held the party
  what people did at the party
  and how you felt about the party.
  Part 3:
  What do children often do in a birthday party ?
  What do adults do at parties?
  Do Chinese people like to hold parties?
  Should parents spend a lot of money on their children's birthday parties?
  Do you think people can make more friends if they often attend parties?
  Describe something interesting that your friend has done but you haven’t done
  You should say:
  what it is
  when did your friend do it
  and explain why you want to do it.
  Part 3:
  Are people influenced more by their friends or their parents?
  Are people influenced by famous people?
  Do you think more and more people become more self-centered?
  Why are there many self-centered people?
  What have you learned from your friends?
  Describe an interesting job you would like to do in the future
  You should say:
  what job it would be
  what qualities are required for this job
  whether it would be an easy job to do
  and explain why you would like to do this job.
  Part 3:
  Is it hard to find an interesting job in china?
  What kinds of preparation should people do for a job interview?
  Why do some people keep changing their jobs?
  What should a good employer do ?
  How would you define “an interesting job ”?
  Describe a subject that you like most
  You should say:
  What it is
  Where do you study/ studied it
  What you have learned from it
  And explain why it is your favorite
  Describe a useful skill you learnt in a maths class in primary or secondary school
  You should say:
  what the skill was
  when you had the class
  who taught you the skill
  and explain why you think it was useful.
  Part 3:
  Can computers help us in math areas?
  What is the first subject learned by children in China?
  What methods can be applied to make math class more interesting?
  How do you use math in your daily life?
  Do you think everyone needs to learn math?
  Describe an interesting subject that you learnt at school
  You should say:
  what the subject was
  what your teacher was like
  how long you learnt this subject
  and explain why you thought it was interesting
  Describe something you do that helps you concentrate on your work or study
  You should say:
  what it is
  how you do it
  how often you do it
  and explain why you think it helps you concentrate.
  Part 3:
  Is it important for children to learn how to concentrate?
  What can employers do to help employees concentrate?
  What kinds of jobs require higher concentration at work?
  Have you ever felt difficult to concentrate?
  What kinds of distractions are bothering you in your life?
  Describe a sport you watched and would like to try
  You should say:
  what sport it is
  how you got to know it
  whether it is difficult to do
  and explain why you would like to try it.
  Part 3:
  Why do old people like to watch sports on TV ?
  Are there many sports programs on TV?
  How often do you play sports?
  Should children spend more time playing sports?
  Do you think group sports are more useful than individual sports?
  口语讲堂第14期:Swimming / Sports
  Describe a time that you wore a type of clothes for a special occasion
  You should say:
  what the occasion was
  what you wore
  where you bought the clothes
  and what other people at the occasion thought of your clothes
  Part 3:
  Does personality affect how people choose what to wear?
  When should people wear formal clothes?
  Do people wear formal clothes more often than before?
  What clothes do university students wear for their graduation ceremonies?
  Where can you buy formal clothes in China?
  Describe a quiet place you visited.
  You should say:
  where it was
  what you did there
  why you think it was quiet
  and explain how you felt about visiting that place.
  Part 3:
  Is it hard to find quiet places in cities?
  Why is it quieter in the countryside?
  How would you deal with noisy neighbors?
  Do you think cities are much noisier than before?
  Compared with young people, do old people tend to live in quiet places?
  口语讲堂第71期:A Good Place To Relax
  Describe a building you like
  You should say:
  where it is
  what it is used for
  how you know about this building
  and explain why you like this building.
  Part 3:
  How do people in china feel about old buildings ?
  Do old people and young people in china have the same attitudes towards old buildings?
  Is it important to preserve old buildings?(why?)
  What aspect of culture do old buildings reflect?
  How do old buildings affect the appearance of a place?
  口语讲堂第三期:An Unusual Building
  Describe a street market where you like to go shopping
  You should say:
  where it is
  how often you go there
  what you buy there
  and explain why you like to shop there.

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