终于发现公共英语五级考试听力必备词汇 简单英语


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终于发现公共英语五级考试听力必备词汇 简单英语

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  Part B: Collaboration (This part will take

  Part B: Collaboration (This part will take about 5 minutes.)
  Topic: Water Shortage
  Now,...(say the names of Candidate A and Candidate B)here is a list of causes for water shortage. (Hand out the list to the candidates and let them read it through.) What do you think are the main causes for water shortage? I’d like each of you to choose three from the list and tell each other why. If you hold different opinions you may argue and you may also add your own ideas that are not listed here. You just talk to each other and I won ’t join you. You have 5 minutes.
  All right. Would you begin ? (The interlocutor may sit back and intervene only when necessary.)
  Causes for Water Shortage:
  Low price of water
  Growth of population
  Waste of water
  Polluted rivers
  Lack of advanced technology
  Part C: Presentation (This part will take about 8 minutes.)
  Now,in this part of the test I’m going to give each of you a list of three different topics. I’d like you to select one of the topics and give a short presentation of about 2 minutes.
  When ...(say the name of Candidate A) has finished talking. I’d like you,...(say the name of Candidate B), to ask him/her one or two questions.You may make notes while you are preparing and take notes while the other person is talking.
  All right? Here are your topics.
  (Hand over the Topic Card, A & B, and some blank paper and a pencil to each candidate.)
  Now you’11 have 2 minutes to prepare.
  (The candidates are given 2 minutes.)
  All right. Now ...(say the name of Candidate A), telling us which topic you have chosen and then give your presentation,please?
  (Listen to the presentation of Candidate A.)
  Thank you.Now...(say the name of Candidate B), would you like to ask...(say the name of Candidate A)some questions? (Allow a maximum of 2 questions by Candidate B, followed by one more question by the interlocutor)
  Now... (say the name of Candidate B), telling us which topic you have chosen and then give your presentation, please?
  (Listen to the presentation of Candidate B)
  Thank you. Now...(say the name of Candidate A),would you like to ask... (say the name of Candidate B) some questions? (Allow a maximum of 2 questions by Candidate A, followed by one more question by the interlocutor)
  (The interlocutor winds up the oral test by referring to the topics of both candidates.)

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