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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2021-11-25 09:45:01  浏览次数:24


  Which one of the following activities would you like to do most?
  1. Dancing
  2. Playing soccer
  3. Cycling
  I would definitelychoose to play soccer. I find it very relaxing when I play soccer, it helps meto release my tension and depression that I got from both my life and study.Apart from that, kicking around soccer is a very good way to keep healthy and stayin good shape. It helps me to build up some muscles and become athletic, it isalso good for my cardio vascular system. Lastly, I get a chance to meet newfriends and broaden my social network when playing soccer, getting to knowdifferent people is a very thrilling experience for me.
  From my own perspective, soccer would always be my first choice while I am choosing the physical courses. One thing that attracts me most is that playing soccer is sometimes a good way to relax. Especially after a long time of studying in school, we may always feel stressed out and extremely overwhelmed by current school work. At that moment, playing soccer can be a perfect opportunity to get rid of the pressure, coz while we are playing, soccer requires our focus on the game itself, which is helpful for us to get totally involved. Thereafter, we can be fully energetic and better concentrate on our work and study than before.
  What’s more, another is that we can strengthen the team spirit while playing soccer with other members. Asa member in a group, we have to follow the orders and instruction given by the coach or other teammates. Naturally, it helps us come out of our ‘comfort zone’ and then communicate with other team members. Chances are that we may expand our social circle of friends and learn how to cooperate with them. By contrast, the other two courses, like dancing and cycling, cannot help me learn how to work in a team.
  From my perspective,soccer game would always stand our as my favorite item while choosing the physical course,since I can fully enjoy the delightful time spent with my companions. One thing attracts me most is that I could cultivate my team spirits while forming a team with other members to play soccer. Developing the team spirit is really essential in current society, as we would run into many occasions to cooperate with others in the future career. Mastering the basic communication skills would definitely support us in expanding the social circle in the future. Moreover, organizing a soccer match concerns with numerous skills and intelligence. We may need to wield different strategies to win the game and tho process would contribute to our acumen and reagency. Conversely, the cycling and dancing course are not group games which could help us develop the cooperation skills.

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