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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2021-11-25 09:43:01  浏览次数:25


  about a month ago I was present at a serious occasion——the reading of a will. I can remember one passage that particularly struck me. It ran something (1) this. “AndI direct that $10, 000 be (2) to old William B, whom I have wished to help for many years, (3)always put off doing so. ” It (4)the last words of a dying man. But the story does not(5) there. When the lawyers came to(6)out the bequest(遗赠), they discovered that old William B had(7), too, and so the (8) deed was lost. I felt rather(9)about that. It seemed to me a most regrettable(10)that William should not have had his $10, 000 just (11)somebody kept putting 12 giving it to him. And from(13 )accounts, William could have done with the (14). But I am sure (15) there are thousands of kindly little deeds waiting to be (16) today, which are being put off“(17)later. ” George Herbert, in praise of good intentions, (18)that “One of these days is better than(19)of these days. ” But I say that(20)is better than all.
  1. A. about B. for C. like D. of
  2. A. consumed B. paid C. cost D. devoted
  3. A. and B. or C. still D. but
  4. A. was B. were C. is D. has been
  5. A. remain B. end C. finish D. appear
  6. A. find B. point C. put D. carry
  7. A. died B. disappeared C. escaped D. hidden
  8. A. invaluable B. identical C. good D. historic
  9. A. happy B. sorry C. faithful D. exciting
  10. A. matter B. dream C. task D. thing
  11. A. because B. for C. as though D. till
  12. A. off B. into C. in D. on
  13. A. every B. some C. any D. all
  14. A. payment B. money C. regrets D. expense
  15. A. whether B. of C. that D. often
  16. A. protected B. done C. made D. rewarded
  17. A. until B. still C. too D. toward
  18. A. implies B. marked C. regrets D. says
  19. A. some B. any C. all D. none
  20. A. Morning B. Spring C. Today D. Time

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